5 Amazing Virtues Of Wise Women

5 amazing virtues of wise women

It is not because there is one group of wise women and another group of stupid women . Every woman, and every man, has the seed of wisdom within him. What happens is that some people listen to the sound of these lessons, while others prefer to turn a deaf ear to that noise.

Let us place the adjective “wise” by those women who have managed to overcome prejudices and false beliefs about feminism. Remember that many societies boast of having given women a greater role. But we all know that it is a process that is still not finished. A process that still has a long way to go. Unfortunately, the truth is that women all over the world face the reality of inertia and discrimination.

“At all times in my life, there has been a woman who took me by the hand in the shadows of a reality that women know better than men. These are shadows through which they are better oriented. ”
–Gabriel García Márquez–

There are many virtues that define wise women. But here we give relevance to 5 of them. It is about complex traits that are only achieved when the mind and heart have undergone a healthy development. They are as follows.

Gender solidarity, a virtue for wise women who value themselves

Envy is a malignant flower that blooms easily in female territory. Wise women are aware of this because they have invested part of their lives in reflecting on this reality. They also know that these disqualifications and the fierce criticism between women are solely a feeling of inferiority.

Woman sitting among plants with hands up

Wise women understand that questioning other women does not make them better.  Quite the opposite actually. That is why they rejoice in the victories of their friends and avoid at all costs the insensitive conversations plagued by criticism.

Loving independence: acting out of conviction

Independence does not consist of having money to spend. Nor is it about living self-sufficiently as if you did not need anyone. It also has nothing to do with living by yourself or ending relationships just because no one seems important enough.

Independence is reflected above all in your ability to maintain your own beliefs and be consistent with them. Above all, not to worry about what others say or think about your actions. Wise women can attach themselves to themselves and follow their desires. They understand that they are different from the others, but just as legitimate.

A sense of humor, a sign of well-being

A characteristic feature of wisdom is a good sense of humor. Anyone who has lived enough knows that laughter is an excellent answer to the vicissitudes and irony of existence. Most of the situations we experience simply have no cure. That is when laughter helps you accept the inevitable.

Woman in front of red moon

A sense of humor brings color to a particular moment . Women of wisdom understand that laughter is an act of freedom. That’s why they know how to do it. They are not looking for someone who can entertain them. Instead, they have learned to find the playful state for themselves in any situation.

Realism when you say goodbye to adventure

Almost all women have been trained to become eternal romantics. Often, the most witty and educated women still cling to that kind of nostalgia for the existence of perfect love and happy endings. Some give up these romantic dreams with a certain kind of bitterness.

But the women who have managed to become wise think and feel in a different way. There was probably a moment where they learned to say goodbye to these fantasies that only cause frustrations.  They understood that the dimension of being a person’s partner is just another thing that life has to offer. It is not a magical revelation that changes everything forever. These women love their partners just the way they are. Wise women do not make their partners responsible for their own happiness. Paradoxically, they are happier that way.


There is a big difference between self-care and vanity. Self-care has to do with the protection of one’s own integrity, personal well-being, health. Of course, it also involves your appearance. It has to do with feeling good in your own way. That is, other people are not the ones who say what you should look like. You are the one who decides it.

Woman reading symbolizes wise women

Vanity is instead trying to please everyone else. It is a trait in women that wants to be judged with approval from others. They need others to see them as beautiful. To achieve this, they are capable of anything, even through great difficulties or risking their own lives. Their beauty concept is dictated by magazines, advertisements, shops, etc.

The traits that define wise women all have one element in common: self-love. It is easy to say, but in order to build authentic self-esteem, one must overcome many fantasies and prejudices. However, the effort is worth it, because the final prize is a much more free and perfect life.

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