5 Things To Think About To Release Emotions

5 things to think about to release emotions

Emotions enable us to relate to others, but we tend to hide them, rather than release them. There are 4 essential or basic emotions (although some claim there are more): sadness, anger, fear, and joy. Out of this group, there is only one that we consider positive. However, this is a value that society gives it; it is not inherent. Thus, the distinction between negative and positive can be an obstacle if you want to release emotions.

Because of the experiences we have had when we were vulnerable and wounded, we begin to hide our grief by projecting an image of strength. We do not express our anger because we fear the disapproval of others. We hide the fear that causes us to control our joy because many times we do not want to draw attention to ourselves by spontaneously expressing emotions.

“Doubt, fear and uncertainty prevent us from expressing what is naturally to be expressed.”

1. Release your emotions: Remember that your emotions are important

The above situations are the product of “underestimating” emotions and their significance in relation to, for example, intelligence. You may think that emotions make you weak. Thinking this all the time does nothing but suppress your emotions and cause problems.

By not emphasizing your emotions, you become an expert at “swallowing” everything you do not want to feel. But it will make you feel very bad in the long run. You will find that the accumulated emotions are more than you can handle. You will fight for control and start suffocating.

Two faces with colors

Do you want these feelings to overwhelm you in a work meeting so that you explode over the slightest problem? Do you want to pick on a friend because of the jealousy you’ve had for months? If you’ve ever been through these situations or want to avoid them – if you want to release emotions – it’s time to change the way you approach your emotional leadership.

2. Be conscious when you want to release emotions

Maybe you tried to release emotions once and ended up with a horrible feeling of guilt. This happens when you express your feelings without being conscious. Remember that we must communicate what we feel,  well and respect the other person.

Lack of consciousness is also evident when you suppress your emotions so much that you end up spontaneously exploding. If you do, you have no mercy. You do not care who is in the way.

Therefore, it is better to express your feelings on your terms and when you are in control. Open your eyes and empathize with the person in front of you. That way, you will keep from hurting them or yourself because you did not know how to handle the situation.

3. Do not wait – express emotions when you need them

The key to keeping your emotions from running out of control is to express yourself when you need it. However, that does not mean that you can do it in every situation. In a job interview or similar situation, it would not be appropriate to express strong emotions.

But in these cases, you should provide for expressing these feelings as quickly as it is appropriate. Where do you feel safe so you can release emotions ? Where do you have the confidence to express what is deep inside? Go there and open up.

If you feel angry, hit a pillow, kick a ball. If you’re scared, let’s shake. Cry if you’m sorry. Scream if you want to scream. Ask someone for a hug if you are to be held.

Woman's back with roses around

4. Beware of cyclical emotions

Emotions usually do not last very long. Think of joy: it is instantaneous. It does not last for hours. But when an emotion lasts longer than “normal,” we go from talking about an emotion to talking about an emotional state.

For example, you may become sad, but if that sadness begins to take over your thoughts and you go around and around and become anxious, you capture that feeling and prevent it from following the natural course.

We must learn to know when to let go of emotions. We must be careful not to nurture these thoughts for too long with our insecurities, fears and beliefs. Sometimes we make a mountain out of a molehole.

5. Consider your surroundings

If you find yourself in an environment where you are constantly told “do not cry” or “you smile too much” or “do not get so angry”, know that you have the right to express yourself. Do it out of respect for yourself and others.

The important thing is that you do not stop expressing what you feel just because others are upset. Although society is trying to teach us to hide our emotions, it is not the healthy choice. If you need to express your feelings, do so. There is nothing wrong with that!

“When expressing your feelings, remember: Do not hurt yourself, do not let others hurt.”
-Martha Sialer-

Throughout our lives, we are constantly told not to express our feelings. Eventually we get into a habit of holding on to everything we want to say and express. And we hurt ourselves with this harmful habit.

We must not let our emotions poison us just because other people get upset when we express them. Suppressing our emotions causes them to get stuck in our brains and take over our thoughts, causing them to last longer than they should. We can avoid all this. Release your emotions.

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