Love On The Spectrum – Beginning And Development

People with autism will also seek contact with other people.
Love on the spectrum - beginning and development

Love spectrum ( Love on the Spectrum ) is about a human being, not many want to talk about. An interesting series on Netflix provides an opportunity to learn more about it.

Love is one of the most widely used themes in art. In short, one can say that it has its own little place in any kind of human expression. But its peculiarities regarding conditions in minority groups are rarely analyzed. 

In this connection, a new TV series is about autism. Love on the Spectrum  recently premiered on Netflix. We will tell about it in this article.

Autism Spectrum Disorder consists of a number of disorders that are characterized by difficulties in communication and lack of empathy.

Thanks to the screening methods available today, professionals can detect this type of disorder at an early age. This is good, because then they can start treatment earlier and achieve better results. Furthermore, the fact that the symptoms are already present in childhood places this disorder in the category of developmental disorders.

If we look at the fiction, Sheldon Cooper is possibly one of the most iconic characters. The viewer witnesses his social difficulties in pretty much every single episode of the series.

One sees how his friends must make a persistent effort to understand his particular way of expressing his thoughts. This can be a good starting point if you want to prepare for some of the details in  Love on the Spectrum.

The first date in Love on the Spectrum

The first myth that the series buries and focuses on is that people with an autism spectrum disorder do not want to socialize. Yes, they often enjoy activities alone, but that does not mean they do not want to connect with other people or even fall in love. They  have  the desire to share their lives with others and also to have intimate relationships.

But getting other people to acknowledge this desire can be the first challenge autistic people have to overcome. In other words, there is room for love in the way they now understand it. In fact, in the series you can see the story of two couples who have already taken the step of living together. In their own words, it is not an easy journey.

But  what permeates the series is the illusion that many people with autism spectrum disorder have around the possibility of getting on a date. 

In them, shyness and insecurity are quite familiar, as they are not very different from those in people without autism. So you will witness how this meeting takes place and the difficulties they face.


In some scenes in the docu-reality series, you participate in some courses where people with this disorder prepare for such meetings.

They must first work on how to greet. They explain how to greet other people, something that most people somehow internalize. That is, to get up and keep eye contact during the first exchanges. This moment is important for the rest of the meeting.

Another ability that is most often worked on with them is how to keep the conversation going. To do this , they are encouraged to make a list of different topics or questions they would like to ask.

Couple on a date

Development in the relationship in  Love on the Spectrum

Afterwards, they move up to a higher level. It is here that the conversation develops from an interrogation to an actual conversation in which both parties participate. Preferably one where there is less risk of intimidating his interlocutor. In this way, one works on strategies to jump from a single question. Either that or from questions that arise from an unexpected answer.

In any case, the specialists try to make autistic people understand that the date and the conversation are flexible. That flexibility means they should not be too direct and not ask personal questions.

It is explained to them that such issues belong on a different level of intimacy. A level they have yet to reach. As a viewer, you also find this particularly difficult for them.

Therefore, the specialists try to give them a thought that they have definitely given to other people on their first date; that you must be willing to learn something if you want to have an interesting conversation. 

As you can see, this is why it is so important for people on the spectrum to meet people who do not share their interests alone. But also strangers with whom they will have to find a common ground during their first meeting.

Last remarks

The series is worth watching. The mere fact that such a brave project exists is worth your time. In addition, seriousness is one of its strongest points. It shows that it is possible to be autistic and have a relationship, even if it is not a goal that is easy to achieve.

In fact, those who watch this series find that most of their dates do not end very well. It allows you to see the emotional impact, but also how people get over it and take new chances.

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