Is Consciousness A Product Of The Brain?

Modern medicine has basically seen the ability to bring people back from the dead with oxygen, medicine and other interventions. Before people return when the body is clinically dead, where does the consciousness then disappear?
Is consciousness a product of the brain?

Lujan Comas, a licensed physician specializing in anesthesia and resuscitation, says that consciousness is not a product of the brain. He believes that consciousness uses the brain.

Likewise, Stuart Hameroff, a psychologist at the University of Arizona, and Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at the University of Oxford, suggest that the body’s microtubules, which are rigid, hollow tubes in the cytoskeleton of cells, act as channels that transmit quantum information that is responsible for consciousness.

In near-death experiences, the heart and brain stop functioning. People who have been clinically dead and then resuscitated can usually explain their sensory perception as if they were outside their own body. They see themselves and everything that is happening around them in this moment.

They see their whole life in glimpses and understand the meaning of their existence. They feel an unconditional calm and love that is hard to describe.

Due to biological conditions, consciousness may not exist in the brain, as many people assume. It is a form of energy and we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Instead, it transforms and endures energy.

When you die, the contents of these microtubules will return to quantum consciousness. If you are revived, you can recreate this information.

Man in a tunnel

Theories of near-death experiences

The conventional medical theory argues that near-death experiences are merely hallucinations. One explanation is that the lack of oxygen in our brain triggers this kind of experience. Another is that they are caused by excessive levels of carbonic anhydrase or epilepsy in the temporal lobe.

People who have had a near-death experience usually describe them alike, or at least their narratives have some common elements. Children talk about seeing an angel, atheists talk about an “energy,” and believers say they saw god. This seems to be different names for the same thing.

Near-death experiences and end-of-life experiences seem to support the idea that consciousness goes beyond the body. However, it is not a belief akin to believing in a religion or a god. The experiences are a topic that is being scientifically studied all over the world.

Most people who have had a near-death experience change their values ​​in a way afterwards. They stop being afraid of death and they radically change the way they live their lives. Sometimes they change careers to work in a field that makes sense for their lives and helps others in some way.

Woman embracing nature

Is there a kind of overriding consciousness that connects us all, or is consciousness a product of the brain?

Van Gulick (2004) argued that there is no aspect of the mind that is more familiar or confusing than the experience of personal and global consciousness. Current theories of the mind explore the problem of consciousness.

Although plenty of controversy and disagreement surround the idea of ​​consciousness, there is also a consensus that we need to understand it and its place in nature. We need to understand consciousness, as well as how it is related to behavior.

A study published in the journal, Neuroscience of Consciousness, assumes that consciousness implements algorithms in space rather than in time within the electromagnetic field of the brain. When you look at it that way, it seems that consciousness is not entirely subjective.

In conclusion, it is clear that consciousness is not a product of the brain. However, is there a kind of consciousness that learns continuously and connects with everything? Maybe. Everything in this world is made of subparticles, and everything can be connected on the subparticle level. We would surely live our lives differently if we understood death differently.

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