Franz Kafka And His Personal Life

Franz Kafka’s personal life was as “Kafkaesque” as his writing. Franz Kafka was an exceptionally sensitive writer who was able to capture the sufferings of this time with honesty and depth.
Franz Kafka and his personal life

Towards the end of the 20th century, a poll asked people to choose who they thought was the most significant writer of this millennium. Franz Kafka, Shakespeare, Goethe and Cervantes won big compared to the others. Kafka was the one who touched humanity more than any other writer.

Kafka’s influence is so great that the term “Kafkaesque” exists in many languages. It refers to absurd, oppressive and unpleasant situations. He was one of those writers who was able to create a literary world with his own atmosphere and unique codes. In his world, logic is both compelling and poetic.

One of the most notable aspects of his writing is his honesty. Franz Kafka was not a rhetorical or pretentious writer. Kafka even asked his friend, Max Brod, to burn all his works.

Fortunately, Brod did not, and it is thanks to him that we are able to enjoy Kafka’s masterpieces today. Kafka did not become famous through good marketing or a rich sponsor. He is famous because there was a unique quality in every single line he wrote.

Franz Kafka

Fanz Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 in Prague in what is now the Czech Republic, but which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His father, Hermann, came from a family of butchers. He was a self-taught businessman and had a well-paid job when Franz was born.

His mother, Julie, came from a wealthy family. She was better educated than her husband, but she had little influence on the education of her children.

Kafka was the eldest and had 5 siblings. However, two of his criminals died before their one-year birthday. Franz and his 3 sisters survived. Maybe that’s why his father was very authoritarian and harsh on Franz. We know that Franz’s relationship with his father was problematic, and he is a prominent and recurring figure in his works.

Franz Kafka studied at two important and demanding Jewish schools. He started writing at the sensitive age of 13 years. We have no records of many of his early writings because the young Kafka burned most of it. He was a member of an anti-clerical group called the Free School Group. There he began to read about philosophy, socialism and atheism.

A young Franz Kafka

Kafka’s education

Kafka started his education with chemistry as his major, but he quickly found out that it was not for him. He decided to change subjects. But his father made him study law, even though Franz did not want to. It was during his time at the university that he met his friend, Max Brod. Kafka and Brod were close friends until Kafka’s death.

After graduating, Kafka worked at various law firms. Later, he found a part-time job at an insurance company. There he could barely earn a living, but he thus had enough time for what he loved most: writing.

Therefore, he continued to work there until 1917, when he contracted tuberculosis. It is said that he may have contracted this disease because he loved drinking unpasteurized milk.

Romance and later life

During these years, Franz Kafka had tumultuous relationships with women that came into his life. His relationship often began with writing letters, and then they suddenly ended without further explanation. Kafka was a complex person with complex relationships.

For example, he could not get over the fact that his lover, Felice Bauer, simply reacted with indifference when he showed her Metamophorsis.

an open book

From 1917 until his death, Franz was in and out of many hospitals. He lived in Germany from 1920 to 1923 in an attempt to distance himself from his family. But a serious case of pneumonia forced him back to his parents’ house in 1924.

Franz got worse when he arrived. He was hospitalized again and his tuberculosis spread to his larynx. This condition in his throat made it too painful for him to eat, and after a few weeks, Kafka died in June 1924. He was only 41 years old.

Franz Kafka left behind many short stories and several novels. His most famous are the  Process, Metamophorsis and the Castle. He also left many beautiful letters to his sister, Ottla Max Brod, and Felice among others. His legacy will have an impact on many generations to come.

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