The Magic Of Poetry And How It Can Relieve Pain

Poetry can relieve pain. Through it you can find a path towards your deeper self so that you can find yourself and stop blocking the light.
The magic of poetry and how it can relieve pain

The magic of poetry lies in the fact that it can relieve the pain at those times in your life when you feel as if your heart is broken into a million pieces. When you think in fragments and feel exhausted. Maybe you have a hard time continuing and end up in depression. You feel like the storm is here to stay.

This is the time to resort to poetry. This is because thanks to it you can heal all parts of your wounds. Read on here and take a walk through the wonderful connection between art and health. In addition, learn how the magic of poetry can help ease some of the pain you carry around in your emotional backpack.

Art and health

Art is a force that is both a support and a medium for expressing conscious and unconscious things. Through different art forms, people can express what they feel, what they think and even who they are. It makes it easier for them to keep up with the flow and reflect on themselves.

Similarly, the medical field uses it as a tool to relieve pain. In fact, there are all sorts of therapies that involve music, painting, photography, theater, etc. Everyone does better when they are part of a creative process. 

For example, patients with incurable cancer benefit from humorous situations in art. This is why there are things like clown therapy in certain hospitals.

Other forms of therapy use scents to stimulate people with Alzheimer’s, and help them express their feelings. As you can see, many process their trauma through art.

This is not to say that art removes the pain completely. Remember that health is an important issue. It is also related to the mental and social level. Thereby, the feeling of pain can be reduced when there is a feeling of interaction between people.

Eye in front of forest

The magic of poetry can relieve pain

According to the dictionary, poetry is “romantic mood or emotional and evocative expression, possibly. created or conveyed through art ”. Words communicate emotions, thoughts and actions and anyone can achieve a state of calm through them. But how?

Poems are full of symbols, stories and expressions that can feel the human soul. In fact, they are so strong that they blend in with your very being. In this way, you bond with someone who immediately understands you.

It’s like they’ve caught a second and say it that you can not put into words. Poetry expresses everything so clearly that it is almost as if they know your innermost secrets.

Poetry and psychotherapy, school and society

Man has been using poetry for therapeutic purposes for a long time. For example, Aristotle encouraged experiencing catharsis through poetry for an emotional purification. Furthermore, in the early 19th century, psychiatry recommended poetry for the mentally ill, thanks to Benjamin Rush.

Eli Griefer, a poet who volunteered at the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in New York, led by psychiatrist Jack J. Leedy, created poetry therapy. Together they wrote about its principles and suggested that it be used as a treatment for mental disorders.

The National Association for Poetry Therapy was started in 1891 and holds annual conferences around the United States. In recent years, more and more books on poetry have appeared. In fact, the most well-known collection that recognizes poetry as an aid to psychotherapy is “The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.”

And to go in depth with the latest scientific research, you can also explore the Journal of Poetry Therapy.

The magic of poetry allows man to express himself from a safe place and open up, little by little. Through metaphors, it helps to transcend the meaning of the word and create connection from the depths, as well as to visualize what you feel and think and how you act.

Similarly, writing relieves the pain . On the one hand, it lets you transform the pain and on the other hand, it lets you dive into symbols, words and images that help you create the content that you do not know how to put into words through everyday speech.

Woman with arms out to the sides and birds around her

This is how the magic of poetry can alleviate the pain – education and society

Poetry can be an educational resource with which one can strengthen emotional intelligence in the classroom. It is a well-documented topic, although it is rarely used in the academic field, despite being as necessary as the rest of the subjects.

In the same way, poetry strengthens the creative expression and leads to self-knowledge. It lets you, among other things, express your dark sides, be compassionate and empathetic, create deep content, identify yourself, release tensions and turn suffering into learning.

You can also use the magic of poetry in working with different communities. This is because it can connect the emotions, thoughts and actions of those who are with them. In addition, it promotes creation based on an individual’s roots, traditions, and beliefs.

In short, posi brings people closer to their darkest places and helps them build bridges using words to shed light on a new horizon. It calms the soul to express itself through its darkness. Finally, it is a way to dive deeper to find the shining light that soothes the pain and helps to transcend and transcend it.

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