Growth Mentality: Become The Best Version Of Yourself

You are what you think. You feel what you are thinking. In any case, your thoughts about yourself have a huge impact on you. This is the key to becoming the best version of yourself.
Growth mentality: Become the best version of yourself

A growth mentality is about becoming the best version of yourself. Beyond what others might think you are or what you are right now, it is up to you to show the world your potential and decide to become the best version of yourself you can become.

When you have a growth mentality, you can break the shapes and constrictions and move forward with a renewed confidence and optimism. Strategies like these can help you become more positive and increase your well-being.

As a rule, man has one of two approaches to life. First, there are those who use a growth mentality, and on the other hand, there are those who use a fixed mentality.

If you belong to the first group, you believe that your talents can still grow and develop. It’s about developing your potential through hard work, perseverance and innovation to achieve success.

On the contrary, there is a very common theme, which is about believing that you “already have everything you need”. This fixed mentality can be found in many people and also in many companies.

When you least expect it, there is a voice in your head that tells you not to change anything, do nothing and stay where you are. Why change anything?

Is there a bell ringing? Then it’s time to figure out how a growth mentality can help you become the best version of yourself.

Woman with growth mentality has a cloak drawn behind her

Growth mentality: Your potential is greater than you think

Your mind is able to affect your life without you noticing it. You are what you think. You feel what you are thinking. To a very high degree, your thoughts about yourself have a huge impact on you. This is the key to becoming the best version of yourself.

Growth mentality is a concept invented by Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University and a recognized specialist in social psychology and personality studies.

After a 30-year study published in MindsetWorks, Dr. Dweck that what the students thought about themselves had a direct impact on their performance. We can all agree that this is something we really should pay attention to.

  • If a student is praised for his abilities or intelligence, he will not always take on personal challenges. Why? They will think they are not on par with it. They do not want to step out of their comfort zone, they play safe. It’s not just about saying to a child, “Hello, you are very intelligent”. It’s so much more than that.
  • If a student’s efforts are praised, it will teach them the value of hard work, help them realize their results. This way, they will have a better picture of themselves. They will not hesitate to take on new challenges. They will realize that it is a way for them to prove to themselves how far they can go.

Whatever mentality you teach children or teens will be reflected in their performance. This is included in Dr. Dweck’s conclusions in the 2007 Stanford Report.

Growth mentality is illustrated by enlightened person among dark people

You are more than you think you are

People are used to stickers. There are some who have ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ), others have depression or anxiety, others are introverted, some hate math, some are obsessive, and others are extremely intelligent.

When someone tells you what you are, maybe just as an inserted remark, it can make you feel that what you are doing is who you are, what is what you want to do. This happens especially in children, which is conditioned by what adults say about them. No one has taught them to try another approach.

Growth mentality means knowing that a label does not define you. Yes, it may be that you are nervous or that math is not exactly your thing, but it does not define you. You are defined by your behavior. If you start thinking differently, you can improve your reality, and things might change for the better.

Stimulate your growth mentality

In his book,  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success , Dr. Dweck yourself how to implement these strategies in your everyday life to stimulate your growth mentality:

  • Understand that all people have certain skills in life. Real talent, however, is the result of practice and hard work.
  • Accept a new challenge every day.
  • Have a positive mindset.
  • Be happy with constructive criticism. That which helps you grow. Ignore the rest.
  • Discipline, perseverance and an open mind. Success is not a coincidence. Any victory or change requires hard work, discipline and confidence in yourself.

In short, working towards a growth mentality means that you accept yourself, but at the same time you are able to change something. Change is part of your DNA because it means development and constant learning.

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