Digital Detox: Connection To The Real World

Digital detox: Connection to the real world

A digital detox helps us relieve stress, and connect us to reality.

Let’s be honest: We are almost always connected, whether it is our smartphone, computer or tablet. The digital world has become a fundamental part of our daily routine. In fact, our smartphone is usually the first and last thing we use every day.

Are we now aware of the time we spend immersed in this universe? Maybe not. If we were, we would probably take some measures to avoid it, such as a digital detox.

What would happen if we decided to spend less time on our social network? Some people get worried just at the thought of not checking their social media on a daily basis. But what was life like before this digital madness came about?

It is important to note that we are not saying that we need to eradicate social interaction from our lives. Nevertheless, it is important to be responsible when it comes to using social media. We need to use it in moderation, and not let it take over our lives.

It’s okay to free ourselves from technology once in a while. After all, why do we feel this desperate need to be online all the time? It has come to a point where we have become addicted to technology.

For this reason, it is a good idea to undergo a digital detox that disconnects the technology to connect to reality, for ourselves and those around us. Let’s dive deeper into this.

Woman with smartphone needs digital detox

What is a digital detox?

A digital detox involves taking a break from the digital world. It’s about disconnecting from social networks, the internet, and new technologies.

The goal is to break the digital addiction that makes us nervous when we haven’t checked our phone in a few hours (even for a few minutes for some). This addiction has grown so much that we have stopped taking care of ourselves or our responsibilities.

The word detox is a contraction of the word detoxification . It’s about extracting the toxicity that lives in an organism – in this case technology. One thing is for sure: Although technology is sometimes very helpful and entertaining, it also has many negative things.

It is now not about putting an end to our relationship with technology, but about being aware of how we use it. We need to be aware of the time we spend online and all the things we leave or postpone because of this addiction.

Methods of digital detox

It sounds easy to think of detoxing from the digital world, but it is not. We have become accustomed to being online all the time, it is part of our daily routine. Therefore, it requires a great deal of perseverance and dedication. The following ways will help you detox from the digital world:

Schedule your digital detox

This is a very personal step as it depends on each person’s schedule. It could be on the weekends at a certain time of the day. The important thing is to start, it does not matter if it is only a few minutes a day. Remember, we establish habits slowly but surely, so it’s okay if you can not go all in at once.

Go step by step

That detox does not happen overnight, especially when you want to do it right. It is important to be patient with yourself and your process.

Think of yourself

Do not be afraid to unfold yourself and your own thoughts and feelings. This will definitely help you understand why you feel the need to be constantly connected. Is there anything you are trying to avoid? Is there something you want that you do not have? Do you feel lonely in real life? The most important thing is to be aware that you can disconnect from the digital world, and still live a good life.

Say goodbye to your messages!

Messages often become an unpleasant thing. They sometimes come one after the other, which prevents us from concentrating on important activities. Activating push-up messages can generate anxiety, and can exacerbate the need to be online all the time.

Search for alternative plans

How about having a coffee with a friend, reading a good book or playing sports? Search for something to do! For once, do not hesitate to try something that is outside your comfort zone. Keep yourself distracted so you do not think so much about social networks.

Be more empathetic

It is fundamental to put ourselves in the shoes of others. If we always look at a screen while we are with friends or family, we do not respect them in the slightest. You definitely want to be heard when you talk, right? Do the same for others. Respect them and pay attention to them.

On the other hand, it is also a good idea to avoid putting your cell phone close to you when you go to bed. Having it close to you can make you very anxious. On the other hand, you can improve your sleep quality as it makes you feel relaxed.

Some people now need more than just a simple detox. Certain individuals have developed a great obsession to the point where they need professional help. This is because they are highly dependent on the digital universe, and are unable to disconnect.

Three girlfriends sit down and have a cup of coffee

Benefits of digital detox

Digital detoxes have many benefits:

  • They allow you to relieve stress.
  • You have the opportunity to spend more time with yourself.
  • You learn to allocate your time better.
  • Your empathy increases.
  • You free up time to establish relationships with others and connect with them on a deeper level.
  • Digital detoxes allow you to build more authentic relationships.
  • You get more free time.
  • Sensations of calm and relaxation increase.
  • You will learn more about yourself.

A digital detox favors better relationships with the world, with others and ourselves. It allows us to make other types of plans and establish priorities, instead of spending all our time scrolling through Instagram or watching videos. A digital detox is an opportunity to connect with reality, and maximize our free time.

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