He Who Sees Adversity In His Eyes Deserves The Strength

He who sees adversity in his eyes deserves strength

Life hits one more than once and sometimes as hard as it can. It gives you adversity in a deep and eternal storm. It messes up your emotional balance and tries it out.

In the beginning, one has the feeling that something bad is going to happen and that the clouds are gathering in the sky. Then one finds out that it was right enough. You are attacked by a wind that pushes you against the walls, and you are filled with anxiety. It starts to rain and even hail.

When you are in that moment, you are forced by the storm to make a decision. One can either use it as an opportunity to face adversity until the storm drifts over. Or one can let oneself fall, defeated, in the eternal rain. One has to face adversity with one’s inner strength and move forward.

Light enters between the cracks

It is quite understandable that if one is in a storm, then the only thing one can think of will be the cold, soaked and dark feeling that the body experiences. But  one must not forget that even in the most discouraging circumstances, sunlight hides behind the clouds. 

It may seem mind-numbing or difficult to do in practice, especially if you have a bad day. But the light always comes in through the cracks. And it is when the heart suffers the most that it has the most cracks.

For this reason, many have said that adversity is an opportunity to learn something about oneself. And also learn why you do it. Adversity is a way of learning something about oneself that was not known before. 

Getting the emotions out

Many people go through something very important that can aggravate their pain and you may be one of them. In the moments when you are feeling the worst, you are, paradoxically, not able to express your feelings. Nor can one shut them out with others. This is a problem because by getting the emotions out you get rid of them. It also means letting others help one.

If someone you care about dies and leaves a big hole inside you. If you have broken up with your partner. If you suffer from a disease that dictates your life…  Whatever the adversity you experience consists of, it helps if you share it with someone. Someone who is willing to listen and reach out to one. 

On the other hand, if this is also too complicated,  then one can focus one’s emotions on another activity. One that will allow you to get them out. Write, paint, dance or anything else nice that gives a comfortable feeling. Remember that what the mouth cannot say shows the body. It shows it through health issues.

Let go of the fear

As a rule of thumb, storms create fear inside us and make us look for hiding places and shelter. The same thing happens in real life. The greater the adversity that affects us and the ledge we look down on, the greater the will to be to find a place where we can feel safe. 

The longing for warmth on the coldest days of life pushes us towards looking at fear with courage in our hearts. This is the only way you can experience the strength you truly have inside. Sticking to the idea that we can defeat the weakness we suffer from gives us hope and reasons to live. 

There will come a time when one will have to fight, break out of the shell that paralyzes one, so as not to fall into the abyss along with the fear and pain. Then you have fought against adversity and deserved the strength you showed. The power one did not think one had, but which belongs to one. But remember:  he who faces adversity deserves strength, and therefore it is his. 

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