Ending A Previous Relationship Well Is The Best Start To A New

Ending a previous relationship well is the best start to a new one

Starting a new relationship means starting a new chapter in the book of your life. This involves learning the lessons from the previous chapters in order to take full advantage of the next. However, this does not mean that we should remain stuck in the past, just like people who drive around with the handbrake on ” just in case”.

Sometimes we encounter very common problems when we start a new romantic relationship. Depending on how our previous relationships have played out, we become more or less cautious, more or less cautious. We wander around in the dark uncertainty of this new challenge that life has presented to us.

Far from becoming a spontaneous and natural act, falling in love becomes a risky profession. Fear grips us and whispers in our ears the future risks associated with past problems. It paralyzed the spontaneity and our enjoyment. Unfortunately, this sets us apart from others. It gives us another place in a completely unfair way. Unfair to us and the new person who has appeared in our lives.

Before we begin a new relationship and a new chapter, let’s digest the previous one

Spontaneity, enjoyment and mental peace are often buried, meant for a better place. Waiting to be retrieved from where we have hidden them away. Why? Maybe because a terrible fear is born of repeating past mistakes. To make the wrong choice, not knowing how to predict the signs or to interpret them correctly.

Starting a new relationship means starting a new chapter in the book of your life

As a result, you need to let some time pass before this old chapter is sufficiently digested (within your means). So that all the lessons and learning you have experienced can be filtered . When we immediately follow up on a relationship with another, we do not allow rest. The rest period that our hearts need to be able to seep through. Also to understand the experiences it has gone through.

“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”
George Santayana

Above all, in the cases where the previous relationship was toxic and dishonest to us. We need to be able to find an amount of time to understand what this relationship wanted to teach us . Blaming the other person for our responsibilities never helps. That is why it is always important to talk to ourselves in an honest and sincere way.

When we learn from the experiences of the past, we make better choices

The following chapters are read in a more liberal way, without so many notches. Thus, people will enter our lives more naturally, in a less forced way . The heart will calm down and will learn the lessons of the past. That’s when it’s willing to take on a new adventure, healthy and free.

“We must use the past as a trampoline and not as a sofa.”
Harold MacMillan

When we immediately follow up on a relationship with another, we do not allow rest.

The mistakes of our past help us learn to choose the right person. Of course, we do not want to experience that situation again, the one that made us suffer earlier. Therefore, it is crucial to ask ourselves what responsibility we had in the previous experience . What are the wounds that have made us choose one person over another as a romantic partner?

Uncertainty is a part of life, we cannot let it paralyze us

From the clean, pure and healthy place, we will be able to better choose a new partner in life. It will not be hooks or the addiction or our shortcomings that choose them. Instead, it will be each of our ā€œIā€, whole and healthy, who will have to choose. It will choose someone to enrich us who will provide light and joy with their presence.

Learning the lessons of the past is crucial to continuing to walk the path of life. Uncertainty about whether everything will work is something we must accept as part of our existence. But a wiser “I” will have arisen, and everything will cease to be so chaotic.

It’s good to be careful and have some respect for what’s coming. But we also need to leave some space for life to surprise us. Thus, close your previous chapters well, learn its lessons to start a new chapter with hope and surrender. It’s the only way you will be able to enjoy the good things that are to come.

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