I Like “unintentional Friends, ” Who Show Up Unexpectedly

I like “unintentional friends,” knocking on the door of your heart when you least expect it. They bring colorful winds with them, make you smile when your hopes are extinguished. They settle in your soul as if they were already a part of it.

It is interesting how we sometimes get to a point in life where we are so attached to our network of close friends and family that we do not make room for anyone else. Until a big day when someone arrives unexpectedly and changes everything.

Some people are wonderfully unexpected. They ring the doorbell of your life when you need them most. People with magic in their hearts and light in their eyes. People who are capable of incredible things. They bring you happiness and make you grow again.

Unintentional friends are weird because they suddenly become part of your family. They rise up as extraordinary friends when you need them most, or they might become your new partner. Lovers who arrive suddenly when you have already given up love. But the most interesting thing is that you recognize your compatibility right away.

Experts call it a sixth sense, an emotional sensation that we would like to explain to you further.

Unintentional friends come when you need them most

One of the most famous friendships in the world of literature is that between Henry James and Robert Louis Stevenson. These two great 19th-century novelists, despite having completely different lifestyles and writing styles, have always had a unique, almost magical admiration for each other.

It all started in 1884 when Henry James published an article in Longman’s Magazine praising a novel that had just hit the market a few months before, called Treasure Island . A few days later, Stevenson himself responded with another article, thus beginning a relationship of letters and unforgettable meetings where they would talk about life, literature, art, and philosophy.

Stevenson always praised their friendship. According to him, it happened at the right time when he needed it most. His health was not very good and his mood dropped in the times when he would spend weeks in bed with fever. He found his only refuge in the letters that Henry James wrote to him.

Unfortunately, the creator of Long John Silver , whom natives of the islands of the South Pacific called the “narrator,” left this world at an early age after a stroke.

The loss left a lasting mark on Henry James. It was a friendship woven by admiration and the union of two minds passionate about literature, art and life. The friendship really stimulated the two souls, who harmonized almost instantly, despite having such different literary styles.

The sixth sense of personal relationships

Let’s reveal something important: people don’t just have 5 senses. In fact, we have more than 20. William James, praised psychologist and brother of Henry James, identified many of them in his time, including nociception, proprioception, and kinesthesia.

Intelligence will always lead to the right answers, but intuition and the sixth sense will never go wrong.

The sixth sense is without a doubt one of the most important. It does not fall under the magical or supernatural realm, but rather it has to do with intuition, the ability to look inward and understand your emotions, awaken your creativity and connect you better with your environment and the people around you. That way, you can establish more authentic and meaningful affiliations.

The subconscious and the sixth sense

It is not uncommon for unintentional friends to enter your life without you knowing how it happened. Maybe Henry James and Robert Stevenson did not know each other, but the sixth sense that we all have showed them by writing that they had a great affinity for each other.

Experts talk about the influence of the subconscious, where many of our emotions, experiences and sensations are stored. Over the years , we create strong neural connections between specific experiences and personality types that we are identified with instinctively  without realizing it.

We experience these sensations quite often. We are attracted to certain details without knowing why. We avoid certain people and situations without understanding the reason behind it. This is all part of our emotional sixth sense, and it is what makes us so receptive to unintentional friends. We click with these people so amazingly because the brain identifies them as related spirits.

As you can see, true magic is found within ourselves, within the intimate brain architecture that orchestrates our emotions. This allows us to connect with our soulmates who give us their greatness, their afternoons full of coffee and laughter, their how are you and I am here for you.

Do not hesitate to let them into your life. For  unintentional friends clearing your stormy sky can prove to be some of the best people in your life.

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