There Is Nothing White Without Black, Nothing Good Without Bad

There is nothing white without black, nothing good without bad

There is nothing that is white without being black, no happiness without despair, nothing good without bad. When it comes to the colors we like, it partly depends on our tastes. But when we talk about our emotions, it seems to vary. We reject the emotions that make us sad and embrace those that make us happy. But without one, there would be no other, at least not in the same way. Would you appreciate your joy if you had never experienced sadness?

We tend to run away from bad experiences. Or sometimes it suits us just fine to suffer and be a victim of circumstances that we do not think we can change. This passive attitude takes us away from our responsibilities in our own lives. But if you want to immerse yourself in all these negative experiences, why not appreciate the opposite?

There is nothing that is white without also being black. And nothing good but bad

The real reason we dive into the negative without being able to see the positive stems from our hopes and expectations of what we believe will make us happy. We believe that a complete life should be filled with happiness, without any lack of money, no one firing one from work, no illness, no bad conditions.

We run away from all that, just as we run away from the mistakes we have made. When we flee, we get bored, but it should not happen. Thanks to all these experiences, we know how to appreciate the opposite: the beauty of balance, of everyday life, of abundance, of having our needs met.

nothing white without black.  nothing good but bad

Why do we forget to appreciate the bad things in life if it allows us to see the good and even leads us to them? If you had not made the mistake, you would probably only know half of what you know today. If you had never lied, you would not appreciate others who do not lie because you would not know how tempting it can be. Likewise, if none of your friends had disappointed you, you would not know what a true friendship consists of. Much of the knowledge we gain comes from the hard times we have been through.

Nothing good but bad. There is something good in every bad thing. There is something beautiful in every ugly thing. It’s all about opening your eyes and really seeing. 

It is in the circumstances that make us most sad that we feel a greater need to be filled with positive emotions. All because we have made mistakes, as we have mentioned before, although this is much more pronounced. In our relationship, whether it is with friends or a partner, the expectations we have affect the disappointment we are going to feel.

The important thing in being realistic

No one is free from suffering and that’s okay. There are many negative people in this world and many circumstances who try us. If you have never been hurt, then you will never know how to tell the difference between those who are sincere and those who will take advantage of you. Everything that is negative also has a positive side. Nothing good but bad.

You might think that nothing good can come out of infidelity, especially if your partner was the one who was unfaithful. But over time, you come to look at it from a different perspective and realize that in a way, it was a positive thing that happened. Their infidelity gave you the motivation you needed to put an end to the relationship that had nothing left to offer you.

Similarly, if you have been through an unhappy relationship, you have enough emotional baggage with you to now be sure of what you want and what you do not want. In fact, you can always learn something from a breakup: that the person was not the right one for you. In these kinds of relationships, you also learn how to tend to be in tough situations; the situations you have to confront at a time when your patience has already run out.

everything negative also has a positive side.  nothing good but bad

Emotions give marks, and that’s a good thing.

Without realizing it, we sometimes search for the dark. How many times have you not thought that if you got a certain thing, it would make you happy? Why do you feel it’s the end of the world because you can not have children? When did you last feel like a victim when it was up to you not to end up as one? The answers to these questions can only be answered by living this exciting life and thus gaining a lot of valuable life lessons.

There is nothing white without black. There is nothing good without evil. Life moves around two opposite poles, which attract each other.

Everything that has to do with emotions is going to give marks. That’s why we always have so many problems in our relationships. Sometimes we burden others with our needs: emotional deficiencies, fear, the need to be happy… But there is nothing negative in all that. We learn from grief and suffering. It is the only way we can grow as human beings. Because there is nothing white without black, and nothing good without evil. And that’s a good thing.

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