The Power Of Habit – Do You Miss Opportunities?

The habit is a powerful size. It is not bad in itself, as it provides overall stability. But it becomes negative, captures and engulfs you when it is allowed to take over your life.
The power of habit - do you miss opportunities?

Habits are not a bad thing. The bad thing is to get caught up in the power of habit and stay in it. When that happens, you may end up numbing yourself, not only mentally but also intellectually. Furthermore, you can become timid and learn to ignore the many opportunities you have to grow and develop.

The power of habit is a trap. This means that habits tend to give you security in the beginning, but in the long run keep you trapped and limit you. Of course, along the way, you have learned to balance the problems that the habits have given you, just as you have done with the help they have brought you. And then you’m stuck in them.
The human brain is an amazing organ that is primarily there to create. For creation is, in essence, the path that intelligence uses to solve problems. The mental and the mental are the most difficult for it.

Man with head in cloud symbolizes the power of habit that lowers your iq
Habits are a way of defining your experiences. One of the main functions of routines is to reduce the daily problems that we face. It makes us feel good, as we do not have to think much about it.
It’s good that we do not have to think about everything we do. But if you reach a point where everything is decided in advance, life becomes boring and it can, at worst, lead to depression.
As we mentioned above, our brain is created for news and problem solving. Thus, avoiding this can have intellectual and emotional consequences. So how do you know if you are a slave to your habits? Consider the following ..

You spend more time on what is urgent than what is important

There is a duty in the word “urgent”. Habits often make us live a life of duty, but it is almost always about the needs of others instead of our own. Duty makes us act in many areas : Work, family, emotional, ideological, etc.

The important thing here is to find out what is really crucial to your well-being and your satisfaction. For example, being with the people we care about. Or to reflect on the things that bother us and find out why we do not set aside time for the important things.

We often think we have to settle

Being together can lead to social phobia

It can be uncomfortable to feel trapped in the habit. Maybe you get annoyed with the routine, even when it allows you to plan ahead and organize everything.

Despite this, you do everything to drown out the voice within you that tells you something is wrong. Many times you will end up telling yourself that “this is what it is”, which means you have to accept and live with it.

It is probably only you who feels this uniformity and thinks that “this is what you should do when you are an adult”, even though it is not always quite as reasonable as it sounds.

The power of habit and the fear of taking chances

One of the worst side effects of habits is that they gradually make you anxious. You end up being afraid of everything that is unknown or that involves some form of risk, change or challenge – completely without you noticing it.
Everything runs on autopilot. Every time you are faced with a new situation, your alarm bells will ring as if there is danger ahead. You do not enter it with enthusiasm and curiosity, but with fear and anxiety. Thus, you lose your openness to new experiences.

To postpone everything because you are stuck in the power of habit

Man opens door to beautiful landscape and breaks with the power of habit

There are times when you may long for change, even if you are caught up in the power of habit. Maybe you think you would get further or feel more alive if you did this or that. If only you dared to change something and take chances.

The problem is that you will almost always end up postponing your dreams and projects. You are constantly waiting for better conditions for the opportunity to come by itself or for certain things to happen, etc. However, your dreams and hopes will most likely remain dreams and hopes forever.

Lack of interest takes over

Tired woman takes care of head

Boredom is one of the clear signs that you are trapped in the power of habit. It manifests itself as a lack of interest in everything. In addition, there is nothing that excites you and you are not passionate about anything.

You are not really alive anymore and the empty feelings dominate. Thus, you suddenly live a life, without being fully aware of it, where you just make time go by. You end up believing that this state is normal and logical, even if it is not.

The habit is a powerful size. It is not bad in itself, as it provides overall stability. But it becomes negative, captures and engulfs you when it is allowed to take over your life. Do not fall into the trap. Start by making small changes like driving a different road or eating something different than you usually do. These are great ways to start breaking the power of habit.

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