Being A Good Person Is Not The Same As Being Stupid

Being a good person is not the same as being stupid

Being a good person is not the same as being stupid. According to a study by the Asturian Society of Psychiatry, it is worth being a good person because it gives you emotional well-being. Human values ​​serve as protective factors.

There are ten values ​​that apply to almost all cultures and are generally considered to be good . Goodness, universalism, independence to think, to live an exciting life, the pursuit of joy, personal success or achievement and power. And there are three more traditional values: security, conformity and tradition.

Living a life in accordance with good values ​​protects you from a society that shows a very low degree of tolerance for problems. This tolerance only seems to get lower and lower with time . There are constant problems in our worlds that end up generating diseases such as depression, anxiety, stress, etc.

“When every day turns out to be the same, it is because man has ceased to perceive all the good things that occur in life every time the sun crosses the sky.”
–Paulo Coelho–

By seeking goodness for your circle of friends, you will find your own

All you offer others is a boomerang that will come back to you to an even greater degree as you go around your life. When you seek good for your circle of friends, whatever it is through a thought, feeling, or action, you increase your connections with others. These connections give you comforting feelings, which are important parts of your emotional well-being.

Teddy bear helps other teddy bear reach for candy as it is a good person

Most of what you give is returned to you at some point in life, many times to a greater degree. So it’s about helping others through love and being a good person. You should know that by giving it away, you are automatically opening up to a natural law to be demonstrated . The law that everything, every feeling, will always be reciprocated.

Ordinary goodness is everyone’s responsibility. At the moment, there is a sense of indifference in our society. People are exhausted and this has provoked mistrust. We all have the feeling that in many aspects of life we ​​have been cheated or betrayed. Beyond marking the situation, the basic question is how to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling by being a good person.

Society needs behaviors to serve as role models for each of the individuals who make up it. Aside from judging people who have behaved badly in the past, this is the only honest way to ensure a better future.

What you give away, you give yourself. What you hold back keeps you from yourself.

The only symbol of superiority is to be a kind and good person

Every act of kindness is a demonstration of power . Being a kind person does not mean increasing your tolerance for all things. Nor does it imply conformity with the incompetent. Instead, it means having the will to do good. Remember that you are only as good as the best you have ever done.

For the Buddha, there is above all loving kindness . The moon’s light shines sixty times brighter than the stars . Likewise, loving kindness frees the heart seventeen times more effectively than all your other accomplishments put together. If you are nourished by goodness, your fears and sorrows will die of hunger.

Patience is the virtue that best describes good people. It includes the ability to give freedom to the people you love . The art of kindness seems to be pretty scarce today, but perhaps it is more common than you think.

Boy gives girl ice cream as he is a good person

The best way life repays good people is through gratitude. A compliment means someone has acknowledged your hard work. Someone’s care means that your company is important to them and you are a good person. Gratitude means that you are able to be helpful to other people, be it with your words, attitude or behavior. These three elements at once (compliments, care and gratitude) allow you to have more intimate and close relationships.

“Good people are wise because it is conscious or unconscious that they understand what it is all about. What we do for others, we do for ourselves. “

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