5 Character Traits For A Practical Person

5 character traits for a practical person

A practical person focuses on performing concrete actions. They tend to achieve great useful goals with a more or less immediate effect. For people who think and act this way, anything that does not have an advantage – and a little risk – lacks interest or value.

For a practical person, the process or method does not mean as much as the result. If the result provides benefits, it is likely that the means to obtain them are justified. To them, the abstract world of ideas, feelings, or values ​​does not make much sense. They think that if it works, that’s fine. If not, we need to examine the process to see what happened.

In principle, we may think that a practical person is not in doubt, but that is not the case. For them, concrete results are simply more valid than speculations or intentions. In some ways, the latter fear because they know that they are usually just talk that is never translated into specific actions.

People with a practical tendency make very relevant contributions, especially during difficult times or crises. There are many situations where action is what matters, not speculation or theory. If a person has a heart attack, or if a company takes a dive, someone needs to act. This is where a practical person reveals their great potential. They also have other interesting features that we will discuss below.

A practical person is a realist

If a practical person has something, it is a very well-founded sense of reality. They easily capture the essentials of a situation or a person. Against that background, they define how they fit into their plans and act on that background. They do not remain lost in detail.

They do more than just look at how things could be. They look at how they really are. This becomes the underlying tone of their behavior. They may be dull or sometimes a little sharp, but they definitely have their feet firmly on the ground. Ideals and perfect worlds are not spaces they move into.

2. They are determined

When a person is practical, they set very clear goals and go after them. You can not see them doubting, speculating or hesitating. Of course, they can also be reflective, but they easily select ideas and translate them into actions. They prefer to try things out in real life rather than play mental games.

All this makes them very solid people. They do not like to walk like the cat about the hot porridge or be  fickle . As we have said, they prefer to look at the validity of their goals and projects in the specific area, not just look at thoughts. They are able to change direction when concrete reality shows them that they are going in the wrong direction because they feel little attachment to form or way as long as they are still looking at the same goal they are setting for themselves.

Man reaching out for light bulbs as an example of a practical person

3. They run risks

Visualizing the risks, measuring them, testing them and considering them too much is not something that attracts a practical person. They understand that any circumstance implies any ups and downs. This does not stop them.

These types of people have their eyes on the results. They know that in order to reach a certain point, it is necessary to take risks and be willing to make mistakes. They do not interpret them. They trust that there is always another way to reach the same point. Therefore, they do not go back when faced with the possibility of failure.

4. They are not dependent on praise or criticism

There is nothing more impractical than living according to the approval of others. Just to feel accepted, there are people who are willing to distort or change their way of being or adopt attitudes that even go against their own beliefs. This does not happen with a practical person.

On the contrary, people with a practical perspective on life are aware that any action is subject to criticism. They do not rely on others to prove or disprove their idea of ​​action. That way , they do not spend too much energy trying to please others.

Hand with paint grips against hot air balloon

5. They know how to prioritize: They work with hierarchies and stick to them

Practical people are people of action. But for an action to be successful, it must be in order and clear. A chain of actions leads to good results when we know how to prioritize what is important.

To know how to prioritize is to have the good judgment to see which actions one should be most aware of. This includes seeing what needs to be done first to make other things easier or possible. A practical thinker is good at prioritizing and following the prioritized order.

You can not find someone who is completely practical or someone who is completely speculative. Almost everyone has features from one or the other and we use them differently on different occasions. Each of these perspectives is very valuable and provides different benefits. They are complementary and not exclusive. Whatever the case, the truth is that it helps all of us to cultivate this practical aspect a little, especially when faced with difficulties that require an immediate solution.

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