5 Interesting Ways To Improve Your Memory

5 interesting ways to improve your memory

Memory is very interesting.  The mechanisms that control memories or make us remember things are unpredictable and can sometimes not be explained. Forgetfulness  can create problems for us. Some of us use strong means to try to remember better.

Have you ever set an alarm to remind you to do something or put notes so you do not forget anything? There are many mechanisms we use to remember things,  even though they may not seem related to what we want to remember.

But funny enough  , small actions can be very useful in stimulating and increasing memory.

To take a short nap

Research shows  that taking a short nap can be very effective in stimulating memory.  One study found that participants who took a nap for 45-60 minutes before performing a  memory-  demanding task had a visible improvement in their performance.

Many studies show that  sleep plays an important role in memory.  During  sleep, memories are consolidated  and the brain is “cleansed”. Researchers have also found that sleeping right after learning something affects memory.

To move your eyes from side to side

Moving your eyes from side to side when you want to remember something will help stimulate the memory. The reasons for this are not entirely clear. However, researchers believe that horizontal eye movements help activate and connect the two hemispheres in the brain.

In one study, researchers found that participants who moved their eyes from side to side for 30 seconds each morning performed their tasks up to 10% better. They also discovered that these movements reduced artificial memories in memory by 15%.

To clench his fists

Pinning your fists together can help you gain better control over your memory. One study found that clenching one’s fist on one’s dominant side before learning something new, and then tightening on the other side when thinking of memory, can be effective in remembering it.

The explanations behind this are not very clear. But the researchers suggested that the  act of clenching the fists activates areas of the brain that have to do with memory and memories.

To chew gum

Chewing gum is a little trick that can give your memory an important boost.  In one study, researchers found that participants who chewed gum during a test scored nearly 25% higher than those who did not chew on gum.

Although the cause of this phenomenon is unclear, some researchers speculate  that chewing gum may increase oxygen levels in the hippocampus. It is  an area of ​​the brain associated with memory and attention.

In addition, another study showed that chewing gum just before a test helped participants remember 25 to 50% more than those who did not chew gum.

Although researchers can not explain the exact reasons for this, they believe  that chewing gum increases the blood supply to the brain. It improves mental performance.

Listening to music

Research shows that  specific types of music are hugely helpful in remembering. The information you learn while listening to a song can often be remembered by thinking about the song or “playing” it in your head.

Antonio Matas Terron  is a professor and researcher at the University of Malaga. He believes  that listening to music helps how well you do in school. But this depends on the speed, style and volume of the music.  According to Matas Terron, the musical rhythm works to change the sense of time.

In addition  , it is important not to use music with lyrics. This can counteract the training of attention. It should also only be done at intervals of 20 minutes at a time. For one’s attention drops after this period.

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