How To Make Friends As An Adult

How can you make friends as an adult? If you feel like you never have time, check out these ideas.
How to make friends as an adult

It is possible to make friends as an adult. Friends come and go through life. When you are a child, it often seems easy to make new friends. But who is growing? How to make friends as an adult?

In this article we will give you some great tips on how to meet new people. Maybe you do not have time to socialize, you are too stressed or you feel overwhelmed with responsibility. Whatever the reason, do not be discouraged.

Everyone knows that friendships are an important part of life, but some interesting studies analyze the specific benefits of friendships. A study from the University of Virginia, for example, found that making friends increases your empathy.

Psychologist Julianna Holt-Lunstad, a professor at Brigham Young University in Iowa, says the lack of a social support network is a more significant

Example of what it is like to make friends as an adult

How to make friends as an adult

A study by the non-profit organization, Relate, found that one in eight adults in the UK has no close friends. While making new friends as an adult is not easy, it is not impossible. Read on and get some ideas on how to make meaningful friendships.

Sign up for activities

One of the best ways to socialize is by participating in group activities. You can sign up for a course or workshop or become a volunteer. If you live in a city, there must be something you can get involved in. If you live in the countryside or in a village, you can check what the nearest big city has to offer. Friendships are worth traveling for!

This is a great way to meet new people and learn something at the same time. Or maybe it’s just a chance to rediscover a hobby that you haven’t cultivated in years.

The benefit of signing up for something you already know is that you will meet people with similar interests. If you sign up for something new, on the other hand, you will step out of your comfort zone and have some new experiences. There are benefits to both options. It’s a win-win!

Exercise or play sports

Another idea in the style of the previous one is to play a sport or exercise. Whether you decide to join a gym or start jogging, you will have plenty of opportunities to meet people your own age. But it will require some effort on your part, especially if you are an introverted person. 

If you need a little help, there are plenty of sports clubs and organizations for adults. Running and hiking clubs are especially common. There are websites where one can find others with the same interests as oneself. Try researching a little and see what catches your interest the most. You have nothing to lose but loneliness and the extra few kg.

If that is not reason enough to get started, studies show that exercise is vital. Sports psychologist, Miguel Morilla, emphasizes the importance of physical exercise to improve your individual and social well-being.

It can again help against anxiety and depression. So not only is it a great strategy for meeting new people, but it is also a tool for improving your quality of life.

Have an open mind to make friends as an adult

If everyone was extroverted, we would not be writing this article. For you introverts out there, don’t worry. You can still make good friends. Just try to have an open mind when meeting new people. If you are very shy, set goals to introduce yourself to others little by little.

For example, if you join a running club, you can try talking to a new one every time. You can also bring someone you trust with you when you first try a new activity.

Extroverted personality is natural for some people. But what many do not know is that you can actually “learn” to be extroverted.

A recent study by researcher Seth Margolis and published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology claims that extroverted people are generally happier, even when in fact they are introverted.

As you can see, this move helps to break the ice and make contact with other people, which is helpful for making friends of any age.

Friends have dinner together

Stay in touch

Keeping in touch with the friends you make along the way is an obvious, but sometimes difficult, way to have lasting friendships.  After all, making friends is not enough; you also need to know how to hold on to them!

You may be asking yourself how it is possible to stay in touch when you have so many other things to do. But now try to take some time out to call your friends.

You do not have to spend hours with them every time, but a message, a quick call and making plans will let your friends know that you are worried and that you are still there for them.

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