Busy Mothers Have To Take Care Of Themselves

It’s time for the busy mom to unwind. Not having time for rest and self-care can be detrimental to health.
Busy mothers need to take care of themselves

Busy mothers need to take care of themselves to get better both physically and mentally.

More and more people have discovered that it is not selfish to go up to take care of oneself. One could almost say that taking care of oneself is the first step on the way to being able to take good care of others as well. If you are a parent, this will be a good idea for you.

This article focuses on the practical care of oneself for busy mothers who have taken on the role of “supermother” and completely forget themselves.

It’s time to remove that image of yourself as someone who is expected to put the family first over everything else and spend more time and resources on yourself as being selfish.

It is important to understand that you have to take care of yourself first in order to have the surplus to be able to help your children. To be able to love your family, you must love yourself first. If not, what role model are you for your children?

Taking care of yourself is an important factor in your overall state of health. It includes the practical, physical, mental and even spiritual factors in your life. That is why every human being has their own definition of caring for themselves. You need to decide which aspects of life are important to you.

Getting time for self-care for busy mothers

We will not waste time telling you how to care for your skin or how you should eat right or exercise. You already know that. Instead, we will offer some strategies and tools to get you to find your inner self again.

We know that it can be quite difficult for busy mothers to find time to take care of themselves. The challenge lies in finding time for oneself. To be able to do that, you have to be creative.

The key lies in turning the inactive moments into moments of self-care. Learn to distinguish between what is important and what is less important. Use these times to spend time on yourself. You can also put some of the tasks away and then spend more time on yourself. Be creative and listen to your body. Learn to relax and rest.

Below we will share a series of exercises for self-care, which are specially designed for busy mothers. You can incorporate these exercises into your daily routine no matter how busy a day you are. All you need is a few minutes a day to find your focus and put yourself in the center.

Woman taking care of head illustrates busy mothers

Up with your legs

Raising the legs helps fight inflammation and provides a temporary relief for other symptoms. When raising your legs, try to close your eyes and let your thoughts keep free.

All you have to do is lie down on a bed or on the floor. Then place your legs up against a wall or chair. The more your legs are raised and stretched, the better. At the same time, remember not to push yourself too hard.

Practice breathing with your stomach

Breathing with the stomach is the first step towards being able to relax. In fact, it is one of the most recommended techniques for self-care for busy mothers. If you notice the movements in your stomach, your diaphragm will lower, helping you to be able to breathe deeper. This way of breathing reduces stress and improves the circulation of oxygen in your body.

To begin, sit in a comfortable position or lie down on your back. Close your eyes and place your hands on top of your stomach. Inhale through your nose and feel how your stomach expands like a balloon. Exhale and feel how your abdomen lowers toward your spine. Repeat this several times.

If you feel really stressed or up and running, you can hold your breath for a few seconds after inhaling and exhaling. If you can not do it on the first try, take it easy. It gets easier with time. If you do it right, you will feel more relaxed after three or four inhalations.

Drink a cup of hot tea

Drinking a cup of hot tea in peace and quiet is one of the best things you can do for yourself during the day. Try to do it once in the morning and once in the afternoon

Make an organic tea that really appeals to you. Choose one with good qualities that will make you feel comfortable. If the calm is too overwhelming for you, or if you feel there are too many thoughts in your head, you should try a guided meditation video or podcast. Enjoy each one mouthful, focus on the mind and use your breathing.

Try drinking a cup of hot tea

Other simple exercises for self-care for busy mothers

There are many other ways to take care of yourself. For example, you can with great advantage practice yoga 15 – 20 minutes in the morning. Meditation or exercises in mindfulness are also a great help. You may have to get up a little earlier to reach it, but it’s all worth it.

Even though we mentioned it in the introduction, it just deserves to be mentioned one more time. Do not care about your physical well-being. Do not put it in the second row. Find time for it where you can, whether indoors or outdoors, in the gym or in the park.

Try to incorporate some of these suggestions into your daily routine. We promise you that you will feel happier, healthier and more at the center.

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