Do You Know How The Ocean Affects Our Brain?

Do you know how the ocean affects our brain?

Can you imagine how the ocean affects our brain? This huge blue water that covers almost 80% of the planet is a great place, as cruel and powerful as it is romantic and profound. One huge, one moment violent, the next calm and inspiring.

Great writers like Charles Baudelaire have had great admiration and respect for the sea. From his lips were phrases like “free man, you will always love the sea!” born. This extension, which has a special place for people, is much more than just a huge amount of water.

The ocean affects our brain in this way

Several neuroscientists have studied how the ocean affects our brain. Names like M. Rudd, RA Baron and MC Diaomond are known for their experiments and releases. They have all studied the effects that the huge blue sea has on our minds. Can you imagine what that provokes?

Woman floating alone in the sea

It is certain that the sea affects our brain positively in general. The romance and desire for freedom that it inspires in us is not trivial, and it is actually justified and supported by science.

“One should always look at the sea. It is a mirror that does not lie ”
-Yasmina Khadra-

The sea evokes admiration in humans

Several psychologists from the universities of Minnesota and Stanford conducted a study of how the ocean affects our brains. One of the conclusions they came to was that the infinity it projects evokes a state of admiration and amazement in our psyche.

In fact, this process brings us well-being. And it’s weird, because something so huge could kill us with a single wave. But the expansive experience it evokes evokes positive changes in our mental patterns thanks to the way our minds try to process this landscape.

So the ocean evokes drastic changes in our patterns and decisions that, for example, help make us more generous. And if this were not enough, our perception of time will change as well. It gets slower and can even create a feeling that time is standing still.

The sea is a creative stimulus

In general, while working, talking, or caring for children, the human brain goes into its “busy” state to put it in a way. However, the ocean changes this state drastically and calms our mental processes.

When we are relaxed, the neural network is activated by default. And in this state of total calm caused by the greatness of the sea, the most brilliant, creative, clear and original ideas come to the human brain.

Face and sea symbolize how the sea affects our brain

In fact, the process is relatively easy to understand. By going into a state of relaxation, our worries disappear. At that moment, the prefrontal area of ​​the brain stops being in control, and creativity, dreams, and almost magic begin to flow freely. Then our thoughts become more original, less critical and much more open.

The sea evokes meditation

The sea has many positive effects on our minds. Meditation is an ancient technique that has proven benefits to the human brain. The meditative state increases the stimulation of brain waves, which can even change.

In this case, it is the waves of the sea that evoke a state of mindfulness. The effect of sound causes the alpha brain waves, which are associated with effort, but also with relaxation and calm to make everything around us look as if it is disappearing.

As we have mentioned, the ocean induces a creative state in the human brain. Strangely enough, it is also related to alpha brain waves that produce stages of mental clarity. Therefore, the sea has the opportunity to make our whole world disappear, so only we remain, as if we are suspended in a bubble, where our whole existence suddenly makes sense.

“The sea was one of the greatest things he had ever seen in his life – bigger and deeper than anything he could have imagined. It changed its color and shape and expression according to time and place and weather ”
–Haruki Murakami–

Now you know a little more about how the ocean affects our brain. Now, if you get the chance, all you have to do is enjoy it in its purest state. When you have the chance to see the blue sea, do not waste it and your whole being will be grateful, starting with your mind.

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