The Dreaded “midway Crisis “

You may have heard someone describe someone else’s behavior as the result of a “midlife crisis.” Or maybe you yourself feel some anxiety or discomfort over an upcoming birthday.  Maybe you are afraid of getting old or no longer being young.  Or both at the same time.

The truth is that the  majority of women and many men also suffer from the so-called “midway crisis”.  In the case of women, this is due to the fact that they are entering menopause and the symptoms that come with it, which are just as physical as mental.

The “midway crisis” does not occur exactly on the day the person exhales his 40 candles. But it tends to develop a little sooner or around there. You may be analyzing what you have done up to that point and the issues you have not solved yet. In some cases, the idea of ​​relaxation and retirement may be on your mind (although there are still two decades left before you can retire in most western countries).

Characteristics of a “midway crisis”

Experts say there are two types of age-related crises. One of them is evolutionary. It has to do with seeing how old we are and our biological changes. The other is circumstantial. It is motivated by the changes in our environment that also affect us personally. The mid-term crisis must be included in the first group.

Going into the fourth decade can cause a feeling of depression and anxiety in some people. It is mainly due to social and familial pressures that come by reaching a certain age. For example, if the person is still unmarried or has had children. Or if they have not found a good job or have not bought a house. Then studies show that they are more likely to experience a mid-term crisis.

The reasons for a mid-term crisis are different. But the most common are: insecurity, excessive responsibility, routine, conflict with partners, discovering mistakes, boredom, lack of a clear goal, etc.

A new perspective

One of the most important signs of a midlife crisis is  undoubtedly the desire to be young again. This brings a search for new experiences, for doing things that one previously did not like or could not for various reasons. It could be dressing like a teenager, going to bars or clubs, etc.

This new attitude around life  can seem like an abrupt awakening. It can be a motivation that removes us from our routine and enriches our lives. But it can also trigger a lot of nostalgia that paralyzes us and makes us daydream about what was. Then we forget that we have oceans of things that still need to be done.

Sound nostalgia and reflection on the past is a good thing. It involves an attitude of acceptance that time has passed, without feeling anger or powerlessness. It also means not leaving the  present or the future to get stuck in the past.  In fact, this can be a great moment in a person’s life to make this kind of reflection. It can help the person come forward with the wisdom they have gained up to that point.

How to get through a mid-term crisis

So what are the specific ways in which we can confront this “crisis” with a healthy mindset?

  1. Maintain a positive attitude. It does not matter that you are now “older”. Remember that age brings experience, anecdotes and wisdom. You still have many years ahead of you. They are not worth suffering through them.
  2. Enjoy it. The experience of having grown and lived through many problems makes you even more interesting and prepared for what is to come in the future. You want more self-control. You will know the consequences of your actions. And you will most likely be more self-aware. Also remember that the best time is here and now. Do not connect youth with joy. There can be joy and perfection in every stage of life.
  3. Reflect. You could say you are in the middle of life. This is a good time to think about what you have already achieved and also think about the future. Because there is still a lot to come. All the changes you want to go through from this point onwards need to be evaluated and analyzed right down to the details. 

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