Lima Syndrome: An Astonishing Phenomenon

Why do some kidnappers care for their victims as if they were their loved ones? In this article, we explain what Lima syndrome is.
Lima syndrome: An astonishing phenomenon

The human mind is still a mystery. In fact, many conditions, such as Lima syndrome, completely amaze us. This phenomenon is so complex that it surprises both kidnappers and victims.

Lima syndrome is when kidnappers feel empathy for their victims. Usually we assume that these people have low respect for human life. So how do they develop positive feelings and sympathy for their victims in the end? Read on to know more about this strange phenomenon.

Lima syndrome

Lima syndrome is a condition in which kidnappers develop an emotional bond with their victims. It can be said that it is the opposite of Stockholm Syndrome.

Paradoxically, the kidnapper begins to feel empathy for their victim. In addition , at some point, they even begin to worry about their needs and well-being. It can manifest itself in behaviors such as:

  • The kidnapper avoids harming the victim.
  • They give the victim certain freedoms or even let them go.
  • The kidnapper worries about the victim’s physical and emotional state.
  • They have conversations with the victim.
  • Sometimes the kidnapper even shares personal information with the victim. For example, childhood stories, goals and wishes.
  • They can even make promises to the victim. For example, they may say things like “I want to protect you” or “Nothing will happen to you”.
  • In some cases, the kidnapper may even be attracted to the victim.

Causes of Lima syndrome

You are probably wondering what the causes of Lima syndrome are. First of all, it can be good to clarify that suffering from a specific syndrome in some situations does not mean that a person is crazy or sick. In addition to the person’s internal state, there are certain environmental conditions that may cause them to react in some way.

To understand Lima syndrome, therefore, you need to focus on the internal affairs of the kidnapper. Likewise, you need to analyze the conditions of the kidnapping. Thus, it would help you to know the psychological conditions of the kidnapper, as well as the circumstances that led to the kidnapping:

  • Maybe the kidnapper is part of a group that forced them to commit the kidnapping.
  • Maybe the kidnapper does not agree with the way the abduction takes place.
  • At best, the kidnapper has been forced to hold the victim due to extreme needs. For example, they may have family problems, serious financial problems, or may be suffering from a mental illness.
  • The kidnapper may not have any previous experience.
  • Finally, the kidnapper may think that the kidnapper will not be able to survive the hostage situation.

A paradox

Perhaps the most surprising thing about this syndrome is that the abductor behaves as if the abductor is not holding the victim hostage. This is the paradox of Lima syndrome.

Therefore, the kidnapper does their best to improve the victim’s condition. In fact, they avoid causing harm or discomfort. If the victim is ill, they give them medicine. If they get hurt, the kidnapper helps them. If they are hungry, the abductor will try to give them the best food available. The kidnapper believes they are the victim’s caregiver.

At worst, the kidnapper may even fall in love with their victim. Therefore, they will try to seduce and pursue them romantically. This is because they want the victim to reciprocate their feelings.

What is the origin of Lima syndrome?

As you may have guessed, it got its name from a hostage situation that arose in Lima, Peru.

In 1996, a terrorist group took over the Japanese embassy in the Peruvian capital. As the days passed, the kidnappers began to establish strong ties with the hostages. Surprisingly, the kidnappers started releasing them all.

A woman takes care of her face as a result of being a victim of Lima syndrome

Final thoughts on this syndrome

Finally, Lima syndrome is related to an inner human condition: Establishing bonds with other people (even under extreme conditions such as kidnapping). It is very difficult to study this syndrome, as it is practically impossible to repeat the conditions of a kidnapping in a laboratory, and control all the variables.

What we do know is that the manifestation of the syndrome depends on various variables. Likewise, it also depends on the kidnapper, the kidnapping situation and the victim. Finally, this syndrome reminds us that people can be very irrational and tend to act on their interpretation and understanding of reality.

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