Neuro-happiness, The Science Behind Happiness?

Neuro-happiness, the science behind happiness?

Neuro-happiness. Reading the word is enough to arouse one’s curiosity. You become almost like a child watching magic. Suddenly we notice that the word ‘happiness’ is not only the description of an intangible emotional state. No, here the condition is associated with the body. ‘Neuro’ as a prefix describes everything that has to do with the nervous system. It is the science behind happiness.

Emotions depend on chemical activities in the brain. They are vital for the survival of each individual. They are characterized by two aspects. One is that emotions create a subjective feeling. The second is that they usually coincide with an external event. Then happiness manifests itself as internal and external well-being, by creating ways to express this well-being. This usually leads to positive feedback.

Happiness and the nervous system

Generally, when one wants to define and explain the feeling of joy, one connects it with our emotional universe. We associate it with fulfilling a wish or a dream. This feeling manifests itself on a metaphysical level. It is not something we can touch, store in a drawer or take on every morning. It is a changeable thing, uncontrollable and mostly associated with an external experience.

Woman with cloud in head, neuro-happiness

But we are not aware that the feeling does not arise as a result of the experience itself. It is a sub-product of a chemical process in the nervous system. It is based on the body. Our body is what produces happiness. It does not come from nothing, as a divine intervention. It is a chemical reaction to our experiences and their conformity with our notion of reality.

The chemicals of happiness

Perhaps you are now standing and asking yourself what a chemical reaction is and how our notion of reality plays into how much happiness we feel? The answer to these two questions is simple. On the one hand, we have happiness hormones:  endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. When we talk about chemical reactions, we are talking about the effects of these hormones on the nervous system. They are associated with positive emotions: love, well-being, the blocking of pain, etc.

On the other hand, we have our notion of reality. It is a psycho-social construction that adjusts and adapts itself throughout our lives. Usually, it is largely shaped by our first experiences. Our notion of reality will have an impact on our relationships and therefore on our biological production of happiness.

How to achieve long-lasting joy and well-being

When we talk about neuro-happiness, it means that we theorize about the science behind happiness and well-being. This means that we establish a solid foundation for understanding happiness so that we can create strategies to increase happiness in our own lives. It is possible to achieve a happiness that is not dependent on the experience itself. To achieve this, we simply need to change our brain chemistry and our notion of reality.

Happy girl with glasses laughing

In other words, we can begin to see the glass as “half full” rather than “half empty”. And this mental change will also change the brain’s ability to produce the chemicals associated with well-being. This is how you can create an independent source of joy that will lead to a stable emotional state.

Neuro-happiness – a new concept

This new perspective on happiness is the first step in the process of achieving long-term well-being. It’s because we know it’s within our capabilities to achieve it. It is something we can build and maintain over a long period of time. We can make it a reality.

It includes methods and exercises that allow us to generate these hormones and activate the connections in the brain that exist to create a sense of joy. The key is to be able to activate these connections on purpose. This is how we can learn to be the smith of our own success.

Is neuro-happiness the science behind happiness?

We can answer this question with a clear “yes”. There is an important link between our positive emotions and the nervous system. This means that we can theorize about the science behind happiness by focusing on the chemical reactions that take place in the brain.

Artistic diagram of the brain - the science behind happiness

In addition, this notion defines our happiness because it tells us that our emotions do not depend on how much money we save up or how much success we achieve. It is much more associated with a process on the biological level that creates and regulates the feeling of happiness. This process is shaped by how we view reality. And at the same time, our brain chemistry also has a huge impact on how we see reality. In this way, happiness is a path we choose to take. 

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