Children With Low Self-esteem

Children who grow up without unconditional love, the ability to explore, and a sense of protection grow up with low self-esteem. Thus, they will have to reconstruct their self-image at some point through life.
Children with low self-esteem

Do you think we are born with a certain degree of self-esteem? Do you think that loving yourself is important in your daily life? Is it possible to influence your children’s self-confidence? In this article, we will give you the answers to all these questions, and also talk about children with low self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the key to every single one of these puzzles. This is what we use to build our identity. That is why it is so important for people to start working on it at a young age. Making children aware of the importance of their self-esteem is an essential part of their upbringing. It is the best way they can build a solid foundation that can help them resist in the most critical moments, instead of making them unstable.

Parents can do things that create children with low self-esteem

There are many things you might get to do without realizing it that definitely do not increase your children’s self-esteem, but instead undermine it little by little. Here are some of the most common:

Rewarding or praising your children for things that are not dependent on them as a person

We talk about things such as being tall or being beautiful. It will prevent them from developing skills or feeling proud of their work and what they do. As a result, they may develop low self-esteem.

Do not let your children take responsibility

This happens when you do everything for them and never let them try to get better. It happens when you do not teach them to be aware of their inner world or the consequences of their decisions and actions.

To fail to show them love

Unconditional love strengthens children. If they feel loved and comfortable, they develop a good self-esteem. They will grow up knowing that whether they do well in life or not, there will always be someone to love and protect them.

Do not give them space to express themselves

If you do not have the space to express what you feel inside, then you can not really get to know yourself. This means that you will also not be able to create a positive image of yourself. So when you do not let children express themselves and show their feelings and opinions, they will develop a low self-esteem.

sad boy lying down

As you can see, raising your child consciously with a strong focus on love and respect is fundamental. To do this, it is always best to encourage clear, sincere communication. This is how you raise children with a healthy self-esteem. But you also need to know  exactly what self-esteem is. We will explain this in more detail below.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the way you see yourself. It is a measure of how much you value yourself. It is a process that starts from your childhood and fluctuates up and down throughout your development. Basically, self-esteem is about valuing yourself, loving yourself, and knowing how to prioritize yourself. It’s self – love.

Children with low self-esteem have never learned to love themselves. They have never learned to value themselves, and give up if they fail at something on the first try because they do not know how to work with long-term goals. They will not be able to learn to love another person because they do not even know how to love themselves.

The effect of low self-esteem in childhood

Children with low self-esteem will suffer as adults if they do not learn to solve this problem. It always leads to discomfort, addiction and self-hatred. They are largely unprepared for the world because they never developed an unconditional love for themselves. It is as if they are invisible to themselves.

Self-esteem helps you develop as a person, through a sense of love and security. It helps you build a positive image of yourself that you will project out of, against all your relationships with other people. It’s your biggest treasure and you have to take care of it and always work on it. You need to dedicate time to it and develop it because a strong, well-developed self-esteem helps you grow calmly throughout life.

Can children improve their self-esteem?

As we said earlier, building self-esteem is a process that starts from a very early age. The things you talk about with your children when they are young play an important role in their development. Therefore, always pay attention to the meaning of the language you use and everything you project onto them. Children use external reference points to build a sense of their own identity. Their first is always the adults who are with them in their early years.

sad child being comforted

But is what they learn in their childhood immutable? Fortunately not. Ideally, everyone will grow up in an environment that builds a secure attachment. In other words, an environment of unconditional love, the ability to explore and a sense of protection. Children who do not have these things grow up with low self-esteem. Thus, they will have to reconstruct their self-image at some point through life.

Children with low self-esteem need to correct it later

That means they will have to face the challenges again and see if they have learned to fail. They need to recognize that they are important and that they are much more like individuals than just their actions. Their actions are not what solely define them. What defines them is all they are as a person. They will have to realize that they have to work on valuing themselves. Self-love requires patience and they will make mistakes. That way, they also learn that they can always try again.

As you have seen, self-esteem makes you who you are. If it is firm and stable, it will allow you to develop all other aspects of yourself. This is why building true self-confidence is one of the most important things you can ever do in life.

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