Boldness: Do You Have The Courage To Take Chances?

You can be brave by changing your habits. It is also a big part of leaving your comfort zone. You do not have to make the big changes all at once – small steps can also open your mind.
Boldness: Do you have the courage to take chances?

Boldness is a human virtue that we can all develop. Thanks to it, we are able to take chances and meet challenges with determination.

Boldness is associated with courage and willpower. It is the important impulse that opens doors and broadens our perspective. Bold individuals are those who have learned to take chances, respectfully demand what they deserve, and work hard every single day to achieve what they want.

Fear and courage go hand in hand. People are always forced to overcome a barrier of anxiety and insecurity in order to achieve their goals. Therefore, it is one thing we need to reflect on. Where can we get the inspiring kick that ignites our courage when we need it?

Fear is a major barrier in life, which is why many people are very reluctant to change. This is where the boldness comes into the picture. It is a personal virtue that makes us feel more secure and believe in ourselves. It gives us the necessary push so that we can reach our goals and face adversity.

Søren Kierkegaard, the father of existentialism, says that courage requires a small momentary loss of balance. Being afraid to take chances means that you lose yourself sooner or later. It is important to be willing to awaken the inner boldness. Below we will discuss four important keys that can help you achieve this.

Person on top of cliff possesses boldness

Four keys to promoting boldness and taking chances

Not much scientific literature deals with the subject of boldness and courage. Only some specific studies include this ability in the discipline we call “personal development”. But we think it’s important to mention a very interesting study that Martin Seligman conducted and published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 2005.

In this study, he describes this characteristic in people who faced challenges. Furthermore, he also examined those who invested their personal resources and developed skills in working with their own well-being – people who knew for sure how to deal with stress and anxiety. Boldness stood out from the others.

Now, boldness is not just a synonym for courage. From a psychological point of view, it goes beyond being prepared to take chances.

It involves a desire to act properly. A brave person acts ethically with everything they do. Their willpower allows them to overcome their fears.

Let’s dive into the dimensions that can help awaken your courage.

Woman walking on field in sunlight

1. If there is uncertainty, make a decision

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman examines the processes surrounding decision making. According to him, uncertainty is an aspect that always puts us to the test. This is where the fear grows and uncertainty takes over. The fact that we do not know what will happen makes us extremely anxious. In fact, we may get to a point where we do not know what to do.

Courage can thus help you get through these situations much better because it can guide your thoughts towards a decision. Dr. Kahneman explains that decisions are not as complicated as they seem. Just deciding what we should have to eat today is a decision in itself.

You have to make a decision to take chances. It is the first step to gaining control of your life.

2. Think out of the box and question things to achieve boldness

Those who do not question their existence end up being a subject in it. Sooner or later, they discover that it is the environment that controls them. A brave person, on the other hand, does not do that. Courage makes you think differently, be doubtful, and ask about something you already know. It makes you want to go further and you get your own opinion on things.

We just need to keep in mind something: This process takes time and requires patience. The individual needs to break down already ingrained habits and give them new meaning.

You must first observe your surroundings, and then the rest will come naturally. Sooner or later, your confident inner voice will emerge and you will begin to ask questions about reality. Do not be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to taking chances.

3. Be accountable to yourself

Being able to open the way to courage requires that you make peace with yourself. It is important that you become your own confidential ally. First and foremost, you need to acknowledge that you are responsible for everything you do, all the aspects you leave behind and all the mistakes you make. Taking responsibility for your own actions is the key when it comes to being able to take chances.

You must be ready to move forward, and you can only do that if you do not blame others for disappointments and mistakes.

Calm brains are also those that are able to appreciate life with the utmost clarity. Only those who put worries and fears aside can move forward and take chances. Remember that anxiety in itself can prevent determination and self-confidence.

Man on cliff top looks out at starry sky

4. Expand your horizons

Only by moving away from the shore can you be able to experience the grandeur and beauty of the sea. But few things can scare us more than discovering that the coast is out of reach. That is why we tend to want to stay in our comfort zone for so long.

Brené Brown, a researcher at the University of Houston and specialist in traits such as vulnerability, remorse and shame, points out that no one enters this world with a courage that is capable of making them fearless when faced with danger.

As we mentioned earlier, this shows that it is a slow but satisfying process. In fact, you do not have to go that far to expand your horizons. We often grow as human beings by just meeting other people. All in all, it leads to getting out of one’s comfort zone and taking chances for self-knowledge and self-development.

You can also be brave by letting yourself change your habits. It is also a big part of leaving your comfort zone. You do not have to make the big changes all at once – small steps can also open your mind, strengthen your heart and promote the courage that you already have inside you.

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