Characteristics And Definition Of Good Quality Of Life

Some general parameters define a good quality of life. We will explain them here. However, each person needs to consider what specific things will contribute to their individual, overall well-being, and work on them. 
Character traits and definition of good quality of life

There is a lot of talk about good quality of life, but people do not always have a clear idea of ​​what it really means. There are actually many “expert” definitions on it, and it is said that each person has to build their own concept of it. 

You must always take into account that sociology, anthropology, health sciences, politics and almost every human science has its own concept of what quality of life should be. In general, there are many common things, but there are also differences.

There is no established agreement on the importance of objective and subjective factors when it comes to quality of life. Some views give greater relevance to factors such as income or availability of public services.

Other approaches place greater emphasis on perceived satisfaction or appreciation of life. Read on to find out what it’s all about.

Woman enjoying fresh air

What does it mean to have a good quality of life?

In general, one can say that a good quality of life is a set of conditions that guarantee the well-being of a person in a given context. These agree to a greater extent with the type of life the person wants to have because he or she perceives them as stable. 

From a certain point of view, quality of life is in a way synonymous with what people refer to as “joy”. The latter concept, however, is quite abstract and relative. There is no fully defined reference point for joy.

A study conducted at Harvard University for 76 years, led by psychiatrist George Vaillant, concluded that the factors that make people happy are:

  • The presence of love.
  • Meaningful relationships.
  • No need for psychoactive substances.
  • Have a job that generates enthusiasm and contributes what it takes to survive.
  • Optimism.

You need to keep in mind that these are conclusions drawn from a comprehensive study – both by year and consulted people. However, the researchers conducted the study in countries with high income levels. Therefore, it may be skewed. Despite this, it seems to have a degree of universality.

Welfare, well-being and good quality of life

The word “well-being” also refers to a concept that does not have a unanimous definition. There is a good quality of life when there is well-being,  but the latter involves several dimensions and there must be a balance between them. The different types of wellness are:

Emotional well-being

A person who understands emotions and knows how to regulate them develops it from a process of personal growth, where the inner strength and the ability to make sensible and autonomous decisions dominate. It is possible to establish relationships with mutual support and interdependence with others in these circumstances.

Material well-being

This exists when a person’s income level makes it possible to meet significant needs. This is controversial as the needs themselves vary greatly from person to person.

However, there is well-being when a person has access to basic goods, which includes shelter, food, health, public services and leisure. From here, the matter moves on to personal goals and values.

Social well-being is important for a good quality of life

There is social well-being when there are established ties of cooperation and solidarity with the groups you interact with. This involves healthy and peaceful relationships with support and mutual help that generate feelings of security and balance. Every person needs a support network to lead a good quality of life.

Physical well-being

It means having access to everything that guarantees health. It includes medical services, access to a healthy diet, physical activity and overall healthy habits. It also involves having knowledge about and awareness of the elements and practices that enable the body to function properly.

Person sitting on floor with a bowl of salad

Personal development

Each person needs to have opportunities to grow and develop their potential in several fields. Among these are access to education and training and access to a dignified job where one can make use of individual skills and knowledge. A job where it is possible to develop in several ways.

As you can see, quality of life is made up of several factors. The right thing is to put the world on a path where all these forms of well-being are available to every human being, just to do so.

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