Weight Gain Associated With Psychoactive Substances

Many psychoactive substances can cause weight loss or weight gain. Read on to learn more!
Weight gain associated with psychoactive substances

Weight gain associated with psychoactive substances is one of the side effects that worries patients the most. As a consequence, it is a sensitive subject that should receive special attention. Changes in weight can vary from patient to patient and depend on the type of treatment, so it is difficult to generalize and establish common criteria.

Many types of medications used to treat anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and epilepsy can cause weight loss or weight gain.

Studies have shown that patients are much more likely to delay treatment that may cause weight gain. In these cases, it is important to help the patient emd to avoid putting on a combination of a healthy diet and appropriate exercise.

Sometimes doctors can adjust the treatment dose or schedule to avoid weight gain and the complications that come with it. The side effects of weight gain can be serious, so it is important to address the patient’s concerns.

On the other hand, many types of medication can also have the opposite effect. Although significant weight loss is also a problem, patients tend to accept it better as a side effect.

Many pills on a table

Weight gain and antidepressant medication

Individuals often associate antidepressant medication with gaining weight and they are not mistaken. Weight gain is one of the possible side effects of most types of antidepressant medication. However, some types of medication used to treat depression are more likely to cause it than others. E.g:

  • Some types of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), such as amitriptyline, imipramine and doxepine.
  • Certain types of MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase inhibitors), such as phenelzine.
  • Some types of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as paroxetine.
  • Mirtazapine, an atypical antidepressant.

It is important to keep in mind that antidepressant medication does not always cause direct weight gain. During any treatment for depression, many factors can play a role and contribute to the problem.

In some cases, the depression itself causes weight gain  because the patient is inactive, sedentary, or has difficulty eating based on emotions. In other cases, depression causes weight loss. Treatment with antidepressant medication improves the patient’s mood, which increases their appetite, which causes them to gain weight.

It is thus unclear whether weight gain associated with psychoactive substances is a side effect of some types of antidepressant medication. However, it is important to know that the medication is not always directly to blame for the weight gain. Before making any decisions about the medicine, one should talk to a doctor.

Weight gain associated with psychoactive substances

Weight gain and metabolic changes are the most disturbing side effects for patients taking antipsychotics. This is important because patients are less likely to take their medication, as recommended if they think they will be taking, as we have already mentioned.

Classical antiphysotic medication tends to cause a large weight gain. Other antipsychotics such as clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone and ziprasidone may also cause significant weight gain. Medications used to treat bipolar disorder, such as lithium, carbamazepine, and valproic acid, also tend to make patients put on weight.

Schizophrenia is also directly linked to changes in metabolism. For example, patients with psychotic disorders are more likely to be overweight.

Whatever the outcome of a condition or medication one takes to treat it, one can combat weight gain associated with psychoactive substances with lifestyle changes. Exercise and diet are the most important and effective ways. Sometimes, however, a patient will need other types of medication to help them lose weight.

Woman taking pill but fears weight gain associated with psychoactive drugs


Weight gain associated with psychoactive substances is a side effect of the treatment. However, patients can usually reduce or avoid the problem completely with lifestyle changes and the help of a qualified professional. If you have problems with your weight, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

It is extremely important to take the medicine as recommended to avoid relapse, especially for disorders treated with psychoactive substances. It is always better to adapt the treatment rather than dropping it completely.

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