It’s Therapeutic To Talk About Emotions

It is therapeutic to talk about emotions

We tend to hide our feelings when we are with other people. We are ashamed to admit that we have feelings that we see as negative. We mistakenly believe that we appear as weak people in the eyes of others. Talking about emotions is not something we do because we want to be emotionally strong. We do not want to be affected by things. Most of the time we want to paint a picture of a “mature and rational person”.

It is wonderful to practice rational thinking and try to get a little more mature every day. First and foremost for ourselves, as with practice we can solve many unnecessary problems. But also for others. Our relationship is likely to improve as a result. After all, it will positively affect our environment not to exaggerate things, manage our emotions properly and function in a functional and sensible way.

But that does not mean we stop being human. Throughout our lives, we will inevitably feel more sad, anxious, or angry than we would like. Therefore, it is best, and natural, to treat it as something normal. We must not hide it, and we must accept ourselves. Of course, always in moderation: even if it’s therapeutic to talk about feelings with others, it can be a bad idea to exaggerate.

Why is it good for us to talk about emotions?

Whether it is negative or positive emotions, it is always good to talk about emotions. Positive emotions because talking about them improves them. Celebrating or sharing them is great. Who does not want to share good news and happiness with other people?

We also have reasons to share the negative emotions. The most important thing about this is that by talking about them, we stop running away from them. In doing so, we take responsibility for dealing with them. We show the emotions, which is likely to reduce them. By talking about emotions, we can gain new views on them. Sight that is often less harsh than our own. 

Couple of hugs

When we try to erase the emotions as if it were a pencil line on some paper, then we actually make it worse. We say to ourselves that we should not be like that and then we feel a greater pressure. The consequence is more anxiety and discomfort, which in turn intensifies the negative feeling.

In addition to this, talking about emotions will make our relationships better. We make the other person feel like a confidant. And they see it as honesty and love, as if their meaning matters.

Two heads are always better than one, which means that if you share your problem or talk about emotions, it will probably be easier to find a useful solution. Sometimes we feel so emotionally down that we cannot see what others can see.

When should one talk about feelings with others?

Every time you feel prevented from thinking clearly or acting effectively, it is a good idea to share it with someone. It can be with one’s best friend, parents or a psychologist. In any case, it is best not to keep it to yourself.

For example, we might say that your partner is doing something you do not like. So instead of holding it inside and exploding inside, wouldn’t it be better to say how one feels? If one does not, it will overflow. And then you do not get much success in expressing these feelings.

Woman will talk about feelings with man

Always start by taking responsibility for your emotions. For this you can start by saying: “I feel…” followed by your reasons and always end by making a connection to the other person and accepting their point of view.

We can also share what happened to us, with people who have nothing to do with the problem, as a friend. They can give us their views on the matter and help us find solutions. You just have to remember not to blindly criticize other people, because then you create the opposite effect: negativity grows.

It is very unlikely that you will be rejected by others for having negative feelings as people tend to be empathetic. But if that happens then it’s not your problem and it does not say anything about you. Remember to talk about your feelings and problems. It benefits not only you but also those around you as they will feel trusted to and closer to you.

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