The Reasons Behind A Relationship Getting Cold

Emotional distance always hurts. Read more in this article about what happens when a relationship gets cold!
The reasons behind, of a relationship getting cold

When a relationship gets cold and starts to lose its luster, people can sometimes start behaving ugly towards each other. Some people may find themselves going without an explanation if they face an emotional challenge. Others make excuses or refuse to acknowledge the signs that the relationship is coming to an end.

Conditions can break just like porcelain. But most breaks do not happen overnight. Usually, the distance between two people has quietly grown until they both decide to end the relationship. The first signs seem to be that you no longer feel a kind of perfection. You do not laugh together and you avoid looking the other in the eye.

Emotional distance always hurts. It is even more painful if a person continues to believe in the relationship. This does not mean that the person receiving does not also suffer from it. That person tends to feel guilty or sad. Whatever it may be, one thing is clear: We are not good at ending a relationship.

If you can manage to finish things in a good way, it will make it much easier to move on to the next stage. If things go wrong, the opposite often happens, especially if you have to work with ghosts (when a partner suddenly disappears from your life without any explanation.) Nevertheless, we all have the tools to work with these experiences.

a girl in the mountains

Find out what happened when a relationship got cold

Fold teams can lose energy due to things like disappointment, lack of interest, changing needs or different views of the world. When the flame goes out and conditions get cold, you get into a kind of limbo. You are not sure what the next thing you should do or who you should blame.

Charlene Belu and Brenda H. Lee of the University of Cambridge have conducted a study on this topic. They found that there are only a few things that are as complicated as getting out of a relationship. Their research showed that people often need to know exactly why things went wrong in order to be able to move on in their lives.

If there is no clear cause for the breakup, people tend to try to get back together. It makes the whole process more complicated. It complicates the process of beginning a new chapter with dignity and integrity.

The study also showed that people have a tendency to behave badly if they start to sense that their relationship is about to end.

The wrong way to end a relationship

As we just mentioned in the beginning, the worst way to look up is if a person disappears without leaving a trace. Nowadays, this kind of ghosts is a common occurrence in both romantic and platonic relationships.

  • It’s not you, it’s me: this excuse is so famous that it’s become a joke. We say this to “free” the other for guilt at all. We say things like “you deserve better,” or “I have too much on my ears and can not give you what you need.” People say these things to cover up the simple truth: They are just no longer interested. As harsh as it may sound (and the reason many turn to the lies,) they just do not love the other person anymore.
  • The broken iceberg: The strategy with the iceberg is also quite common. It happens when you let the relationship freeze by itself without you doing anything to prevent it at all. You ignore all the signs and wait until the relationship is so frozen that it sinks by itself.
a heart frozen in ice symbolizes when conditions get cold

Emotional distance when a relationship gets cold: A difficult crossroads

When a relationship gets cold, it does not necessarily mean that it will end like this. It is important to keep in mind that even though emotional distance can lead you off track for a while, that does not necessarily mean that the relationship should end. If you have the right tools to work with it, you can bring the heat and spark back to the relationship.

Psychologists work with anxiety and depression every day. These things are directly affected by the quality of people’s relationships. If some go through a time of severe stress or depression, then they do not always have the energy and surplus to enjoy the company of the other.

If you feel that your relationship is deteriorating and you feel distant from your partner’s feelings, you can do something about it. All relationships come through times where it can be difficult. You just have to nourish it with water and fertilizer if you want to see it grow again. Conflicts and problems can cause relationships to move and become stronger.

a dandelion throws its seeds

You need to be an emotionally competent person, whether you want to revive your relationship or end it. Unfortunately, it is not something that children are taught in school. It is something to be practiced in daily life. Train your emotional skills by being sensitive, respectful, and treating others with dignity.

After all, all relationships, whether romantic or platonic, deserve to be respected. Knowing how to end it with dignity and respect also says something about our human abilities.

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