What To Do When You Experience An Emotional Block

What to do when you experience an emotional blockage

Everyone has experienced an emotional block at some point. It feels like there is a wall that keeps one from coping with new challenges. Uncertainty is one of the most obvious signs of an emotional block. And it prevents one from achieving goals.

Think of a traffic jam. You’re in a hurry, but suddenly you find that you can not move forward, no matter how much you want it. This is how an emotional blockage feels.

It does not always affect all areas of life. So you can experience a blockage related to your work, but not to your personal or emotional life. Or it could be the other way around. You get stuck trying to have a stable emotional relationship. And then the uncertainty pops up and prevents one from getting the job that would really make one happy. Maybe you have become a little one-track. If the blockage pops up related to your relationship, then your insecurities will make you pretend you are someone you are not. You put on a mask that makes you feel safe. But instead of protecting you, it just covers up the true problem.

Why do I experience an emotional block?

Many emotional blockages have something to do with one’s self-confidence  or with experiences that have caused one to act in a certain way. Imagine that you have had some stormy romantic relationship. This has triggered certain types of behaviors towards people that you like. Now it’s hard for you to show confidence. You feel insecure and you are afraid of being hurt again.

Fear and insecurity can trigger an emotional blockage  that one does not know how to escape. Then one begins to feel embarrassed to speak in front of an audience, becomes afraid of rejection, becomes pessimistic, feels jealous and envious, judges others, and so on.

An emotional block can cause negative emotions  and feelings that block even more. They prevent one from moving forward. But they are all affected by one’s surroundings, which can act as a damper or catalyst at the same time. What does all this mean?

Imagine that you feel very insecure about your work. Your emotional blockage prevents you from achieving your goals, but there is something in your environment that helps you. Perhaps competition between employees is one of the reasons. Being assessed constantly or getting a lot of attention can also maintain the blockage.

Get started removing your block

You may think it’s hard or impossible to break free of your emotional block right now, but you’re completely wrong. You just have to get started, take action. All the insecure thoughts that haunt you make you passive. You can counteract them and start moving forward.

Think about all the questions that run through your head day after day. “Why should I go there if they do not hire me anyway?” “I’m a loser, I never get what I want.” “I do not think they will like it.” “If I am myself, they will think I’m stupid.” “I’m going to make a mistake and then everyone will laugh at me.” “Everyone is far better than me…”

Is it not true enough that you have been thinking these thoughts at some point? The only option you have is to act when you are afraid to hear the word “no.” Accept that the answer may be no, but try to see if you can get a “yes.” What do you have to lose?

Try to resist the reaction your emotions have created. Are you afraid of being made fun of by standing up? If you do not, you will never be able to prove you wrong. Sometimes it is good to convince yourself that you are already what you want to be. For example, you could say things like, “I like talking to an audience,” or “I’m not afraid of being made fun of.”

Look at the positive side

What if the emotional block is about your relationship? Consider whether, when you experience a rejection, it may be because, the person is not the right one for you. Expressing your feelings is good training to cope with the fears in your life… Always try to see the positive side of everything that happens to you. Believe me, there is always a positive side.

It is normal to experience an emotional blockage  and it can help you test yourself and do what your emotions do not want you to do. But if you listen to them more, you will realize that they are actually telling you that you need to overcome your insecurities and fears.

Hopefully they make you push yourself. Sometimes it is not positive to feel comfortable and at ease. Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and take a chance. Although it is scary and gives goosebumps.

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