4 Simple Yoga Poses For Better Sleep

Yoga has many useful positions that help with all kinds of mental and physical problems. These yoga poses are especially effective against insomnia.
4 simple yoga poses for better sleep

Insomnia is one of the most common problems in the western world. Things like stress, poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle make  it difficult for many to get enough sleep. In addition to complicating daily activities, insomnia also has a negative effect on both physical and mental health. Today, however, we have many remedies for insomnia. One of the remedies is to take an injection before going to bed. Another remedy is medication that apparently causes you to fall asleep in an instant. But one of the most effective remedies is to use  yoga postures for better sleep.

What are yoga poses?

Yoga postures or asanas are designed to benefit both body and mind. In the eastern countries, people have been practicing yoga for thousands of years. It has also recently become popular in Europe. Theoretically, it combines the benefits of meditation and exercise, making it a good ally in the fight against insomnia.

Yoga postures typically consist of slow, calm movements. These are very relaxing exercises  as yoga makes you focus on your body. However, each asana has different effects on your body, so they do not all have the same effect. Let’s look at what yoga postures can help you sleep better.

Woman uses yoga postures for better sleep

The best yoga postures for better sleep

According to experts, the following yoga poses are the best for combating insomnia:

  • Easy position or  Sukhasana.
  • Standing forward bent or  Uttanasana.
  • Legs up the wall or  Viparita Karani.
  • Alternative breathing with the nose or  Nadi Shondhana.

Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Easy position

As the name indicates, Sukhasana is one of the best asanas for beginners. If you have never practiced yoga before but would like to combat your insomnia,  this position is a great place to start.

The position is very simple. All you have to do is sit with crossed legs (the position we associate with yoga) and lean forward. The goal is to stretch your arms and back as much as you can. If you are very flexible, you should be able to touch the floor with your forehead.

This asana is very effective because you relax the whole body and open the hips. This creates a feeling of well-being  that helps you fall asleep quickly.

2. Standing bent forward

The second of our yoga poses for better sleep is also easy to perform. Stand up in a wide position. Lean forward and try to touch the floor with your palms. If you are extraordinarily agile, your challenge is to put the entire body weight on your forearms.

This position not only helps on insomnia but  can also help against other problems like stress and headaches. In addition, it will also improve the flexibility of your legs and strengthen your arms.

The exercise standing bent forward

3. The legs up against the wall

This yoga pose is also suitable for beginners and all you need is a wall. However, its benefits are very interesting. When you are in a reverse position,  the blood in the body can circulate better. It helps on stress and to fall asleep if one stays in this position for at least five minutes.

Viparita Karani is very easy to perform. Simply lie down  with your back on the floor. Your hips and legs are straight up against the wall. To keep your balance, you can put your arms out to the side.

4. Alternate breathing with the nose

The last of our yoga poses for better sleep uses one of the most effective breathing exercises available to combat insomnia. It is called alternative breathing with the nose. It consists of breathing through one nostril while the other is closed. Then you do the same, just the opposite.

Exercise alternative breathing with the nose

You can do this exercise in a comfortable sitting position or you can even lie down. No matter how, if you do it right, you will find that your body relaxes very quickly.

Yoga has many useful positions that help in all sorts of different mental and physical problems. These yoga poses are especially effective against insomnia,  so they are very effective if you have trouble sleeping.

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