The Things You Do Not Take Care Of Will Repeat Themselves

The things you do not take care of will repeat themselves

There is no magic formula to keep what we dislike out of our lives. We can not avoid the unpleasant things. We will experience good as well as bad experiences at some point in life. 

It is impossible and impractical for us to want all things to be good all the time. Everyday experiences may not always be of the good kind. The experiences that have made us sad have also taught us an important lesson. We are able to get up, over and over again. We are equipped with the necessary tools to withstand all our adversity.

Precisely for this latter reason we must always face it which bothers us. Try to find a way to fix it. Let us not forget that we have enough strength inside to resist bad things. Therefore, we have enough strength to confront, repair and close the case. Remember that the loose ends that you do not get tied up will go up and that it will have consequences.

It is normal that you want to avoid the things that hurt you

The temptation to flee from the people we find annoying or annoying is almost always great. We, as humans, have certain instincts. These instincts dictate that we have two ways of reacting to a threat. Fight or flee. But most of the threats we experience are no longer lions or snakes. Therefore, they require a more complex response. 

It is quite understandable that if we are destroyed inside, then we feel that the best solution is to flee. Meanwhile, we hope that time will clear the peas and get things back to normal. In such cases, we just wish we could get emotionally well again. We do not want to risk breaking more.

Breaking down unnecessarily means that there is a change within that we first do not understand. It’s a change that really shakes us. This change can bother us if we do not give it the attention and time it deserves. Again, we need to rebuild and repair ourselves. This leads to a process that we are forced to follow up on. Otherwise, the pain will recur when looking back. You can not avoid it.

That which one flees from always remains with one

We are forced to continue the process. If we flee  from it, we will realize that it has followed us. No matter how far away we are. We have tried to avoid it by thinking of something else. But we have not removed it. It’s still there.

Running away will surely give us the best point of view to look at what happened in a new way. And that’s a good thing. What ends up happening is that we always end up in the same place. We say goodbye to the pain and find the will to listen to ourselves. We decide to be brave in a situation that does not allow us to move forward.

The lessons one does not learn repeat themselves

When the moment comes and we have fixed what bothered us, then we have learned much more than we can see with the naked eye. In any case, we will be strengthened by the circumstances that have made us see life in all its splendor. 

We should not let the things that limit us remain in our lives. If we do, then our hands and feet are bound. Even if we think we’re moving forward, we do not. Cowardice in this case does not mean that one is afraid of the problem. Instead, it means doing nothing to prevent it from defeating one. Courage means you look your monsters in the eye.

Everything we let fate decide will repeat itself. Everything that we let take its own form. Everything we wait to get well again. It will continue to call on us when we are weakest. It does not disappear until we say goodbye forever. And this requires tears, if necessary, backed by a: ” I can do well”. 

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