Life Is Not Judged On The Breaths You Take …

Life is not judged on the breaths you take ...

These are the moments that make you stiffen. The ones where you will have to hold yourself back, your words. They leave you amazed, amazed. These are the moments where you live, truly live; the moments that take your breath away.

These moments change your life. You could close your eyes  and you know you have something to live for. You even thought you should level yourself because it feels so unreal.

What you have achieved that has finally made it all worthwhile is not a dream. Some people might call it luck. Others call it ambition. But you will always remember the moments that left you speechless. These were the moments when the  train of life changed direction. 

Life consists of moments

It is through these moments that you begin to think about your life. Whether you live sensibly, or whether you catch yourself instead. The platform of your train has nothing more to offer you; do not wait for death. Board that train. 

Relax and make mistakes; try not to be perfect. Try not to take things too seriously. Take more chances, travel more often. Climb mountains, swim in rivers. Go out and see places you have never seen. Live more; be less anxious. 

Do not burden your life with a survival kit. Get the most out of life and live each day as fully as possible. Dive down, immerse yourself in life and enjoy every interrupted breath. 

The train of life

Life is like a train journey. With its changes in nature and direction, its misfortunes, its pleasant surprises in some places. Its deep grief elsewhere…

From the moment we are born, we board the train and are with our parents. We think they will always be by our side… But they will get off before we do, leaving us to continue the journey without them. Suddenly  we will find ourselves without their company and their irreplaceable love. 

Despite that, there are many other people who will become very special and important in our lives. They will board at each station…  Our siblings, our friends and at some point the love of our lives…

Some will travel by train for a while. Others go through its highs and lows. And those who are best at helping others in need will stand out in clear light.

Most people when they get off the train will leave a permanent place, a permanent emptiness… Others will travel through so unnoticed that we do not even know it once they have left their place.

It is interesting to see how some of these passengers, even  our loved ones, find their seats and become comfortable in other train carriages. Throughout the journey, they are separated without any communication.

But in reality, the only thing that stops us from getting close to them is our own good intentions. On the other hand, it is sometimes too late. Then another person will eventually take their place.

The journey continues

We try to have a good relationship with everyone on board our train. Looking for the best he or she can offer. During the journey, they may hesitate, and we will probably be able to understand them. But remember that we ourselves hesitate many times and have the need to be understood by others.

The biggest mystery of all is that we never know when, at what station, at what time we will have to get off. We also do not know when our friends and family or even the person next door will leave.

Sometimes I think of the moment I arrive at my destination. Do I want to be nostalgic, timid, happy, anxious…? Separating from the friends I have made will be painful. Leaving my children to travel on alone will be very sad. But I hold on to the hope that at some point I will be so excited to see them drive into the station. And they want a little more luggage than when they started.

What will make me happy is to think that I contributed to their growth and to them staying on board the train until the very last station.

So, friends,  let’s make our voyage aboard this train significant; let it’s all worth it.

The train of life

Pictures of Cata and Aida Donoso

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