Positive Thinking Can Boost Your Self-esteem

Positive thinking can boost your self-esteem

Positive thinking, if well managed, will boost your self-esteem and counteract mood disorders. Depression has many causes. Thoughts of low self-esteem and negative thinking, being unworthy or not being good enough play an important role in depression. With positive thinking, you can change your thought process. That way, you can turn it to your advantage and not against you.

Thinking is usually a confident assertion about one’s perception of the truth. Repeating this kind of truth in the form of positive thinking has helped thousands of people make significant changes in their lives. However, the effect is not the same for everyone. So why can one person benefit from an internal dialogue full of positive affirmation while another person cannot?

Well, positive thinking can work because of its ability to motivate, encourage and even put our minds to work on a particular idea. It does not matter if there is any reality behind the idea. The most important thing is that the person treats it as a natural reality. The mind does not know the difference between what is real or fantasy. There’s what happens when you watch a movie and start laughing or crying. The mind identifies with the characters on the screen and responds based on the story.

Positive thinking provides good experiences for your self-esteem

5 steps that will strengthen your self-esteem with effective and powerful positive thinking

If a negative belief is deeply rooted in our subconscious, it has the ability to override many of our positive thoughts, even when we are not aware of it. This is why many people do not think positive affirmation works. What happens is that their negative thought patterns are so strong that they even collide with the positive ones. They are ignored by emotional baggage.

The good news is that we can make positive thinking work and overcome too much negative thinking. To this end, psychotherapist Ronald Alexander suggests the following steps:

5 steps to better self-esteem

  • Make a list of what you think are your negative qualities. Include any criticism that others have made about you. Do not judge whether it is true or not. We all have faults and that is what makes us human. Simply write down everything you can think of and look for a common trait: “I am not worthy” or whatever it is you are thinking about yourself. Then write the recurring belief about registering if you are feeling something in your body. For example, when you feel injustice or fear, do you feel it in your heart or in your stomach?
  • Write a statement about the positive side of your self-esteem. You can even use synonyms to get more powerful words to reinforce this statement. For example, instead of saying, “I am worthy,” you could say, “I am important and valued.” After writing your positive statement, ask someone you trust to read it to see if they have suggestions for making it even more powerful.
  • Recite the positive sentence aloud for approx. five minutes, three times a day: in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Repeat the positive sentence for yourself in front of the mirror. You can look at yourself as you repeat the positive statement. Another way is to write the affirmative statement several times in a notebook. Make an observation of the changes in your writing style over time. This may indicate a change in thinking.
  • Feel the positive phrase in your body. Do it again while placing your hand in the area where you felt sad when you wrote the negative belief in step one. Furthermore, “inhale” the positive statement while saying it or writing it down. By reprogramming your mind, you will make it a reality.
  • Have someone you trust repeat your positive statement or use your reflection in the mirror to act as one who reinforces the good news.
Positive thoughts can boost your self-esteem.

Identify your negative thinking with meditation

Positive statements can be effective tools to help you change your outlook and can be a means of supporting the change you want to make. Also, remember that they are most effective when you identify your negative thoughts first.

Self-awareness meditation is a very effective method that helps you discover subconscious thought patterns. It allows you to categorize the things that are good for you. The exercise of self-awareness does not seek an immediate change. It seeks to find the strength and ability to accept who we are so that we can make a change and move toward what is achievable.

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