A Tribute To Amazing Grandparents

A tribute to amazing grandparents

Modern grandparents are wonderful, essential and irreplaceable  for the youngest in the family. A family that these grandparents have created through many efforts. They are the index finger pointing to the horizon so that their followers do not miss the little things in life.

For many people, becoming a grandparent is a very important stage in their life. And their grandchildren are very important to them. It is a new relationship that stimulates their physical, psychological and social well-being. In a way, this new life also means a rebirth of their own.

Grandparents give their grandchildren an infinite amount of gifts for life. Love, values, experiences, secrets, friendship, company and all kinds of care and entertainment. It is almost as if they are immortalized through their grandchildren. For  everything that they pass on to their grandchildren will remain in the world through them. 

A baby is held in the hands of an adult

Modern grandparents

We live in a time where the  role played by  grandparents has grown. They have gained more influence over the upbringing of the newest members of the family. The increase in life expectancy and the progress of society have moved the current concept of grandparents away from its traditional role.

Society is different now. There is not just one kind of family, but many. One can find young grandparents who are full of energy, who play sports, who play in the park. Some love to shop and go on trips. New grandparents come with renewed energy for their grandchildren and have a lot to contribute. 

They deserve praise because even though  there are many things in the modern world that fascinate children,  they also admire their grandparents. Their grandparents also have the latest phone and a giant television that the kids can fall asleep to after eating (while putting, of course). These grandparents are heroes who have adapted to the modern world without even being natives of the digital world.

A mutual relationship

Both grandchildren and grandparents enjoy spending time together. The child is enchanted by their grandparents, and the grandparents feel just as special in the company of these little people, who have so much energy and zeal to discover the world.

Grandparents are a fundamental part of raising children. They are able to develop trusting, emotional bonds with them. This is done without them having to take on the educational responsibility that the parents have to. They do not have to lay down rules, they just have to make sure that they are followed in certain circumstances. They can just enjoy the present without constantly questioning their actions in the upbringing process.

For grandchildren, their grandparents are their co-conspirators  in the discoveries they make every day. But most importantly, they are the ones who make the magic happen. For example, they cook delicious food, take them to new places, know everyone animal-sounding (even those that do not exist), heal wounds and scratches, and give them chocolate. But what makes them irresistible is that they want to share their quality time with them.

Mysteriously enough, they know how to fix any problem. They can cut nails completely without hurting, and cook without creating smoke in the kitchen. They scare the monster under the bed away, as well as other strange creatures who dare to enter the house and disturb the baby’s sleep.

True and unconditional love

To all the wonderful grandparents: I want to tell you that I notice you when you come by with your grandchildren. When you take care of them, when you cook for the whole family, while you also take a picture of the laughing baby and send it to mom and dad. You make sure they can take it easy. You are definitely modern grandparents.

And if one stops and thinks about it, then perhaps there is no unconditional love that is as pure as a grandparent’s love. They are so wonderfully happy. Happy to have a knowledge that what they felt when they were parents themselves is now something their own children feel for their little explorers.

To all the grandparents out there; keep being the great grandparents you are. The mark you leave on your grandchildren cannot be deleted. Every day is full of important memories that are stored in your grandchildren’s memory. Those memories will be a refuge for them later in life when they need to find warmth. There is nothing like the warmth of a grandparent.

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