Are You Underestimating Yourself?

Are you underestimating yourself?

Are you underestimating yourself? Many people constantly underestimate themselves. This prevents them from evolving  from their goals and purposes in life. Underestimation comes from  low self-esteem, low self-esteem and self-confidence  and so on.

Today we need to examine how a person who underestimates himself behaves. If you can recognize some of the following characteristics, try to do something about it! Do not let yourself live a life where you always underestimate yourself.

You reject compliments

Modesty may be something that characterizes you. But the truth is that modesty can be a sign of underestimation. Seemingly small statements like, ” it’s nothing “, ” it’s not so good “, or ” I do not care ” may indicate a sincere problem.

Do not underestimate yourself! Accept compliments  that people give you in good faith. Because if they compliment you, it’s because you deserve it. Believe it!

You are constantly referring to the opinions of others

If you are someone who underestimates yourself, then your way of speaking is probably characterized by always referring to what others have done or said. For example: “ my husband / wife / cohabitant says… ”, “ my teacher says that… ” This indicates a lack of faith in what you yourself say.

You also back up your own opinions with others:   “ask that and that person if you do not believe me”, “is not that right, Kamilla?” Such things make us  very vulnerable and insecure.

You avoid thinking about yourself first

When was the last time you pampered yourself? People who underestimate themselves tend to think that they can not afford to give themselves certain freedoms,  such as doing something just because they like it. But why not treat yourself?

You do not have to do everything for everyone else – you deserve nice things too! Give yourself some time to prioritize what you deserve. Just once! Try it. It’s not self-absorbed, it’s just loving yourself.

You think others see you in a negative light

When will you stop believing that the people who are laughing are laughing at you? When someone invites you out, you immediately think the nasty little thought that ” this only lasts until they get to know me, and then they run away screaming. ” You perceive a sincere compliment as charity, something that people only say to you so that you do not feel so bad about yourself.

Be confident. When you understand that there is sincerity in the words of others and that you are not the target of their laughter,  you will become stronger and gain confidence. Do not think of things that are untrue. You are the only one who underestimates yourself. Do not allow it!

You do not think you are unique

Another kind of thought and behavior from people who underestimate themselves is to think that they are not unique. For example, a person who underestimates himself will think that people who invite them out or give them gifts do so for everyone. They will think that “ I am nothing special.

“It all starts this way”, “I’m not the only one”, “the others are better”. These thoughts are very common. It is a clear sign of uncertainty. You will have to believe in yourself.  You are unique whether you believe it or not! For no two people are alike. So never think that people just treat you like one among many, because if they do and you do not like it, then stay away!

We hope  we’ve helped you figure out how people who  underestimate themselves are behaving. Have you, while reading this, discovered that you also do this sometimes? Well, then fix it! You already know a little more about underestimation, so now is the time to stop it.

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