Being An Only Child: Pros And Cons

More and more couples are choosing to have only one child. It will, of course, affect the child that they have no siblings. But to what extent? Are only children really that different from children with siblings?
Being an only child: Pros and cons

There are tons of myths about personality associated with being an only child. Some of them are to some extent true, while others certainly are not. Today, more and more couples are deciding to have only one child, either because of their financial situation or because they do not have enough time to raise more children.

Of course, being an only child is not the same as growing up with siblings. The type of family we grow up in will moderately affect our personality. Being an only child is neither good nor bad.

Having siblings does not necessarily make a person more social and kind, while not having them does not mean that a person becomes an unbearable tyrant.

Parenting and the example that parents give their children are the most basic things. But usually only children develop certain traits. Being an only child has pros and cons, just as growing up with siblings does. Let’s dive deeper into them.

Parents of an only child

Many people wonder if the parents of an only child behave differently than those who have more than one child. The answer is yes. Despite that, the most important thing is not how many children they have, but whether they wanted to have them or not.

Girl kissing smiling dad with mom next to her

The parents of an only child who is not sure what is the best way to be a parent, but at the same time wants a child, will often be more eager when it comes to raising their child.

It is possible that they consult many books and manuals to get tips on how to raise children. But it is also likely that they will feel guilty when things do not go as expected. Your child will feel all that tension and it may make them a little cramped.

There are parents who deliberately set a goal of having children, but deep down do not really want them. In these cases, they usually delegate their child’s upbringing to others, perhaps to a grandparent, a nanny, or even a daycare worker. Therefore, the only child will feel lonely and have a hard time forming real bonds with people as an adult.

Finally, those who do not want to become parents, but end up having only one child, will be able to handle the situation in the right way and raise their child normally.

Small adults

Doctor Toni Falbo from the University of Texas has studied only children. According to her observations, only children spend a lot of time with adults. This leads to them ending up feeling comfortable with older people and behaving more mature at an early age.

Boy writing with pencil

As a result, an only child tends to see adults and even parents as their equals. In fact, they even see older people as people they can relate to. This can make them hard on themselves.

They want to be as mature as the adults they spend their time with. They want to be autonomous and achieve great things at a young age.

Falbo, on the other hand, points out that only children tend to have greater self-esteem and self-confidence. It is easier for them to understand the expectations of their teachers and authority divers and they easily become leaders among children of their own age.

Collaboration and friends in relation to being an only child

Only children tend to have a hard time when it comes to cooperation. This is because they are used to organizing things in their own way and making decisions individually. But they usually have it hard only in the beginning. Typically, they will adapt in a short time and become part of a group.

There is also data to suggest that only children tend to have fewer friends than those who grew up with siblings. They like to have a few friends with whom they have a really meaningful relationship. In fact, they usually bond with the friends, which is similar to the bond between siblings.

Girl reading enjoys the benefits of being an only child

What science has been able to establish is that only children are not so different from children with siblings. They only tend to be different when they have had a troubled upbringing.

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