Child Suicide – The Case Of Samantha Kuberski

Child suicide is a reality, although it rarely occurs. It can make us think about the extent to which it is necessary to talk to children about suicide and the meaning of death.
Child Suicide - The Case of Samantha Kuberski

Children are the most vulnerable part of our society. Their honesty and ingenuity make them easy targets for any kind of mockery or deception. Likewise, they are often the ones who behave ugly towards others without really realizing the harm they are causing. Therefore, child suicide is in itself a complex issue.

It has many nuances. The danger of making a mistake with children behaving like this is great. Death is an event that is difficult for children to understand. Many children ask for people who have died.

Others continue to include them in their current lives. However, some are happy with the classic “they are taken to a better place.” The fact is that the explanations that a child can receive on this subject can be versatile. All can be very different from each other and not always correct.

That said, accepting that young people can think about suicide is something that is beyond our comprehension. In adulthood, it is common for us to fantasize about the idea of ​​suicide under certain circumstances. Of course without performing it.

On the other hand, a mature person is aware that death is something irreparable. But a child may not be quite aware of it. Childhood suicide remains a topic with many questions but very few answers.

Child Suicide – The Case of Samantha Kuberski

On December 2, 2009, Samantha Kuberski’s mother found the dead body of her 6-year-old daughter. She had fastened a belt around her own neck and hung herself from the top of a cradle. Despite the efforts of her family members and health professionals, nothing could be done to save her life.

Hours earlier, the girl had discussed with her mother. Both the mother and one of her sisters were in different rooms when the tragedy struck. According to police, there was no evidence that her family had anything to do with the tragic incident.

It seems incredible that such a young girl would make the decision to do such a thing. There was much speculation as to whether this child suicide could have been an accident. But this theory did not match the evidence the police found.

Many questions arose. Was it a game that had gone wrong? Was it just her way of running away from anger as a result of the previous discussion with her mother? Was her behavior a way to hurt her mother? Or was it her own fault that was decisive?

Little girl looking at rain on window

Karl Menninger and the components of suicidal behavior

Suicide can be studied from a sociological or psychological point of view. In Samantha’s particular case, the psychological factor played a fundamental role. One of the theories that better fits this case is the one proposed by the American psychiatrist, Karl Menninger.

According to his various studies on the subject, he came to an interesting conclusion. Suicide can be perceived as a reverse murder. The anger and hatred that a patient feels towards another person can be the cause of his own death. He found three components of hostility: the  desire to kill, the desire to be killed, and the desire to die.

On the other hand, it is extremely rare to find a case of child suicide at such an early age. Children under the age of 10 do not usually have suicidal thoughts unless certain risk factors are involved. The most important people to be investigated by the police were thus those in Samantha’s closest circle, her close family.

Exclude failed play

Despite what it looks like, there was no evidence that the girl had suffered any kind of abuse. The people who knew her highlighted her cheerful and friendly personality. This made the very fact that she took her own life even more incomprehensible.

Was Samantha really aware of what she wanted to do? According to psychologist Kirk Wolf, she was not paying attention at all.

This statement was strongly supported by the agents responsible for the case. From the beginning, they categorically denied that a 6-year-old girl could have committed suicide. Even after forensics noted it as suicide, the idea that Samantha did not understand what would happen to her was still valid.

Should we talk to children about suicide?

This makes us ask ourselves if it is advisable to talk about suicide with our children. This is necessary as death is generally not seen as a taboo subject for them. It is a very difficult and complicated problem, so we must treat it with respect and empathy.

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Talking to them about a topic they will have to face sooner or later is very helpful. Death is an inevitable process that comes to all of us one day. We all have to endure very difficult situations throughout our lives. Therefore, we must make it clear to them that there is always an alternative solution to suicide. Although at times we can not see it.

In that sense, we should tell them that suicide, including child suicide, is a subject like any other they can talk about. Thus, they learn to express their feelings about it, whether they have experienced suicide with a relative or not. Letting them share their fears and problems can prevent tragic and extreme decisions, both in the present and in the future.

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