Dreams Come From The Warm Area Of ​​the Brain

The discovery of the hot area of ​​the brain is fascinating. It seems that our consciousness is not in the frontal lobe or the ice lobe, as scientists previously thought, but rather in the posterior part of the cerebral cortex.

New research and new discoveries in sleep research are always fascinating. For many people, dreams are an important source of personal development. A team of researchers and neurologists from the United States, Italy and Switzerland have discovered what they call the hot area of ​​the brain that turns on when we dream.

The hot area is a part of the brain that seems to “turn on,” when we dream. The researchers also found that we do not only dream when we are in the REM phase of our sleep. This can help us understand something about the content of our dreams. These interesting discoveries can lead us to a better understanding of human consciousness.

The study of the hot area of ​​the brain

The group of researchers monitored the electrical activity of the brain of 32 test subjects in their sleep laboratory. They kept an eye on them for a course of five to ten nights.

Frequently, they woke up the test subjects and asked them about their sleep and whether they had dreamed or not. The researchers asked the test participants if they could remember parts of their dreams or if they could not remember anything at all.

The difference between this study and the previous studies is the number of electrodes used. This time, the researchers wore a hat with 256 electrodes. It gave them a much more complete picture.

The results

The team discovered that a particular part, the warm area of ​​the brain, had higher electrical activity when the test subjects dreamed. The hot area is located in the part called the forehead bone of the brain. Everything points to the fact that it may be the neural connections to the dreams.

When this area of ​​the brain is stimulated while awake, it can cause “a feeling of being in a parallel world or in a dream-like state.”

It’s a fascinating discovery. What this discovery also suggests is that consciousness is located in the posterior part of the brain. Until now, researchers have thought it was in the frontal and ice sheets.

It seems that you only need very limited activation of the brain to initiate experiences in the consciousness. Until now, we have believed that larger areas of the brain were needed to activate experiences in the consciousness, ”said Francesca Siclari, co-author of the study.

Perceptions of the warm area of ​​the brain

Some people believe that this may be able to tell us about the content of our dreams. But not everyone is convinced. A professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Stickgold, do not think that this study will help us to be able to capture dreams.

Dr. Stickgold believes that the dreams we remember and the dreams we forget have a different electronic “signature.” But Dr. Stickgold agrees with everyone else that the most interesting thing about this study is the ability to understand one of the greatest mysteries of mankind: Nature and the origin of our consciousness.

The idea that different parts of the brain act differently when we dream has been researched for over a decade. This is the shared view of many researchers. They had a suspicion that it was true, but they did not have enough empirical material to prove it.

Future studies on the hot area of ​​the brain

Researchers are considering this type of stimulation in the warm area of ​​the brain in patients who are in a coma or have epileptic seizures.

Almost everyone agrees that future research may well give us access to other stages of consciousness. Not only that, but it will also be able to clarify what other parts of the brain are involved in these different stages of consciousness.

Or we will discover where and how we can get in touch with Consciousness with a big B. It depends on who you are and how you want to interpret it. However you look at it, it is an interesting topic that we are getting closer and closer to being able to understand.

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