Emotional Intelligence Can Heal The Wounds In Our Relationship

Emotional intelligence can heal our wounds and is a necessary resource to better deal with difficult situations. It is a way of taming our fears, overcoming our values ​​and the strong need we have to overcome hard times.
Emotional intelligence can heal the wounds in our relationships

We know that relationships can be broken, just like bones. However, these fractures do not heal as quickly as we think. Time does not heal all wounds. Everything hurts and it is difficult to find a cure. Therefore, emotional intelligence can help us heal the inner scars that we get in life, little by little.

Franklin D. Roosevelt said that when we reach the end of a rope, there is only one option: Tie a knot and wait. Standing in the middle of something that used to hold us tight and make us safe always produces anxiety.

We feel like our whole being is pushed into a vacuum. But we must make a firm and secure knot on this rope, and wait. That feeling of fear and helplessness will disappear as time goes on.

Life is an unpredictable experience. We know that. It is a journey where it is impossible to avoid ups and downs. Sometimes the journey is painful, so painful that we may think we can not resist more setbacks, twists and turns. Whether we like it or not, we need to use a basic survival kit so we can overcome these unforeseen events with dedication.

Emotional intelligence provides us with valuable resources that help us deal with negative events in life in a better way. Let’s dive deeper into this.

Partners look at each other representing emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence can heal the wounds in our relationships

Emotional intelligence can heal wounds from our failed relationships. They can be broken or broken due to unexpected losses or other traumatic events, and emotional intelligence gives you two very specific types of tools to deal with this. The first tool is to deal with pain in a healthy and creative way. The second is to restore (and improve) our healing ability so that we can continue to enjoy positive relationships and interactions.

The emotional pain generated by many of the above events causes us to remain trapped in negative behaviors and thought patterns. We also run the risk of suffering from a psychological disorder like depression or anxiety.

In addition, it also affects our interpersonal development. We may stop trusting others and we get caught up in cycles of marked frustration where we find it very difficult to re-establish strong and healthy bonds with other people.

Therefore, many people take in therapy to deal with the problems in their emotional relationship. Many patients find themselves almost constantly in a shadow of anxiety about being abandoned. Others suffer from unrequited love, and many are stuck in harmful and toxic relationships without knowing what to do.

Therefore, we should take a look at these strategies that can help us better deal with these situations.

Finding a healthy connection to our emotions

Using emotional intelligence as a tool to heal our wounds means we must learn to find a connection with our inner universe in a healthier way. We focus solely on our pain when faced with a loss or a complex affective situation. We tend to focus on suffering and disappointment that ends up overshadowing, hurting, and blocking us.

  • With this approach, we only magnify the bitterness.
  • We know that these negative emotions are there and that they have a very specific origin. Therefore: As soon as we identify and accept them, it is time to channel them and transform them into something that we can use for something. We must regulate them and not let them stop us. We need to give them dynamism so we can respond to them.
  • If we feel anger, we need to channel it over to something positive. When we experience sadness, we need to reduce it day by day. If what we are experiencing is fear of a harmful relationship, we need to ask for help and support so that we can overcome the cause of the anxiety so that we can feel safe again.
A couple on the beach, which is a symbol of using emotional intelligence in relationships

Empathize with yourself and find personal security

If we are to use emotional intelligence to heal wounds, we must pay attention to a particular aspect of empathy. What we are talking about is the ability to connect with ourselves in a compassionate and careful way.

  • After a broken relationship or other painful or traumatic event, you need to regain personal security. A firm, open and conscious will to find a way to repair every wounded corner and every broken piece of ourselves, through forgiveness and self-love, is the key to moving forward day by day.
  • If we focus solely on our own suffering, we limit ourselves and end up running around in circles. In the end, the pain will do away with us little by little. It will overcome us, by taking full control and filling all the spaces, fibers and hooks of our reality. And that’s something we should avoid. Empathize with yourself and make an action plan.

Emotional healing is like fuel for personal growth

People feel good when they focus on feelings and sensations as they are. It must be a flexible process that awakens the innate healing intelligence that is present in the body and mind. It is a process similar to digestion where we can turn any experience into fuel for personal growth.

If we allow ourselves to rage, mourn, or despair too much to remain stagnant, we become ill. We will end up suffering because we have been abandoned, because someone we love does not love us, or because of anxiety or being in an unhappy relationship. These feelings need to be addressed in a healthy way in order to be overcome. Only there will we have the opportunity to grow mature and responsibly.

a woman whose hair blows in the wind

Ultimately, we can see that emotional intelligence can heal our wounds and is a necessary resource to better deal with difficult situations. It is a way to tame our fears, overcome our values ​​and the strong need we have to overcome hard times so that we can move forward in a better state than we were in before.

We have to say that this is not a simple process. It is not something we can achieve in two days or a month. Applying these strategies effectively often involves a change of consciousness that generates a transformation that will undoubtedly have an impact on all areas of our lives. Because when you understand and make your emotions to your advantage, everything changes.

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