Every Day There Is Something To Forgive, Learn And Be Grateful For

Every day there is something to forgive, learn and be grateful for

Knowing how to say thank you, being able to learn, and allowing ourselves to forgive certain things is not only the foundation of many philosophies and religions. It is the key to mental well-being. For example, techniques such as “emotional freedom” emphasize the need to feel free. And do not hold on to negative emotions so that we are able to appreciate it as we are. And keep learning and experiencing.

Ignorant is he who does not see aside his obsession, who is unable to forgive so that he may be free from suffering, and who refuses to learn from the simplest things in order to enrich his soul.

We are constantly exposed to this mental noise, which prevents us from prioritizing what is important. Worry, stress or the bad habit that will postpone happiness to “when I have, when I am, when I get”, prevents us from seeing the dimensions that should be the background music in our daily melody.

We encourage you to reflect on gratitude, forgiveness, and the ability to learn.

Forgiveness is good for the brain

Forgiveness is good for the brain

Forgiving is a courageous act that cannot always be done. We tend to interpret forgiveness as an act of abandonment when it is actually a form of emotional liberation. Where we are no longer trapped by what hurts us. It’s a way to break the bond of pain and close a chapter.

Robert Alder is a pioneer in “psychoneuroimmunology”. He explains that there is a close relationship between emotions and health. And it is to such an extent that saving on bitterness, anger or frustration can have a direct effect on our immune system.  We are becoming more susceptible to diseases.

In particular, negative emotions affect our autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the involuntary bodily functions. Bitterness, like stress, increases the levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol in the blood by blocking the functions of the cells that defend the body.

Forgiveness is the best thing we can do for our health and emotional balance. It’s about sorting out the bitterness, and opening doors with new possibilities.

The ability to learn to adapt better

To be grateful is to appreciate what we have and who we are.

Learning is not just accumulating information, dates or memorizing. Learning is the way we develop as individuals. Where we reinvent ourselves every day so we can adapt to our environment better. One who is rigid in his thought patterns can never look beyond his own nose tip.

To learn is to find something new every day that makes us a better person. Who realizes mistakes and overcomes them and admits that whims from the outside can be as valid as our own.

The higher brain activity one has developed throughout life, the better we can face old age and a possible dementia, according to two studies conducted at La Rioja University.

Life is a continuous learning experience that we must embrace with enthusiasm and mental and emotional openness. Learn something new every day so that you mature, “flourish” and improve. So you get closer to the ideal person who lives in you and is waiting to break out.

The ability to be grateful

The ability to be grateful

In 2003, Emmons and McCullough conducted an interesting study in which a group of people were asked to write it down in a book for which they were most grateful during the day over a month. Another group was asked to reflect on all the negative things they experienced throughout their day.

The result was remarkable. People who have the opportunity to be grateful for all that surrounds them have a fulfilling and fulfilling life. It is not just about acknowledging the deeds others do for us. The art of being grateful is also the ability to see ourselves in a positive light.

Appreciation also has its benefits in our brain. The feeling of stress and anxiety is reduced, we have a better quality of sleep and it even reduces the risk of depression.

To be grateful is to appreciate what we have and who we are. It is going down a new path where we put negative emotions aside. Where we allow ourselves to be more receptive to the simplicity of our environment and the personal relationships.

We always think about what we need, what we have and what we have lost. When we should actually be grateful for what we have and move forward without bitterness. And allow ourselves to enthusiastically learn with those around us.

To be grateful is to appreciate what we have and who we are.


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