How Is People’s Self-perception During A Depression

Your current and ideal self relates to each other, based on the story you tell about yourself and how others see you.
How is people's self-perception during a depression

Many pathways can lead to depression. Today we will study one of the most unique of its kind. It is about self-perception during a depression.

We all fight our own battles. Work, family, relationships… Every day is a new challenge in so many different ways. However, the struggle that often leads to a paralyzing depression is the struggle you are struggling with yourself.

Experts claim that people with depression tend to amplify the effects of their symptoms. A report, published by Dr. Kopala-Sibley, supposes that if you are depressed, it is better that you focus less on your symptoms and more on how you feel about yourself.

The latter may be the main cause of your depression. Experts claim that it is better to treat the root cause of this condition rather than just the symptoms.

The conclusion from this study supports Huggins’ theory of self-discrepancy. According to this theory, the self has three domains: the current, the ideal and the “should”. Kopala-Sibley’s research indicates that when there is a discrepancy between the current self and the ideal self, a depression manifests itself.

woman with arms over her knees experiencing negative self-esteem during a depression

What causes self-discrepancy?

You build your self-concept based on many variables. Although people tend to believe that the “self” is a single entity, this is not true. There is a self that defines you, the person you actually are: the actual self.

However, there are also parallel selves, such as the self you want to be, or the ideal self. There is also the person responsible, or as Higgins described it, the “burden”. It is who you feel you should be, based on the normality and the social roles you take on.

For example, you may be a competent, intelligent, and hard-working person. However, if your work does not allow you to express these traits, a conflict will arise. In this case, the oppositional relationship between the current self and the ideal self contributes a fertile reason for developing a depression.

Another thing that depends on the perceived distance between the current and the ideal self is self-worth. It is closely related to your mental well-being. If you have low self-esteem, you are more vulnerable to developing depression.

Studies show that people with low self-esteem have a lower level of gray matter in areas of the brain that help you perceive intuitively what other people think about you.

Self-perception during a depression and the inner dialogue

Your current and ideal self relates to each other, based on the story you tell about yourself and how others see you. Self-esteem is higher when there is not a big difference between the two. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, you are probably facing a significant discrepancy between your current and your ideal self.

The inner dialogue that people with depression often have leads them to believe that their current self is too far away from their ideal self. If you want to eliminate this distance, you can try to change your inner dialogue. It is a good start to focus on what you can change to get closer to your ideal self.

Mindfulness to fight a depression

If it does not help to change the way you tell your own story, then practicing mindfulness is another good strategy. Mindfulness can help close the gap between the current and the ideal self.

The immediate benefit of this form of meditation is that you learn to observe your own thoughts without judging them. Releasing your ratings can help significantly improve your symptoms of depression. Gradual self-acceptance is another way in which you can bring the current self and the ideal self closer together.

woman getting fresh air

Customize who you really are with your ideals to achieve positive self-esteem during a depression

The goal here is not perfection. Instead, you should acknowledge that you have room to improve. Being gentle and kind to yourself creates an environment that is much more conducive to setting goals and getting rid of those you do not need.

Negative emotional states often exacerbate the distance between your current and ideal self, which can lead you even deeper into a depression. It can help you deal with your own expectations, and thereby the frustration they can cause, by practicing these strategies.

Depression, in this context, is a wake-up call to pay attention to your inner discrepancy. It is a sign you need to identify and work with. Your mental health and well-being will thank you.

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