How To Overcome Emotional Hangover

How To Overcome Emotional Hangovers

What happens when we drink too much? The next day we can not escape it: we get terrible hangovers. But it seems that alcohol is not the only thing that can cause it. Neuroscientists at New York University have studied the subject, and according to them, there are also emotional hangovers . Emotional hangovers are experiences produced by extremely intense emotions that shake us, intoxicate us.

The question we need to ask is, can we avoid them? The truth is, we can not . Emotional hangovers are deeply intense stages that come from unexpected emotional experiences. They can even affect our memory of past events and cause physical symptoms. These range from headaches and back pain to fatigue.

As with hangovers from alcohol, emotional hangovers make us feel irritable, tired, and as if our head is in a cloud.

Emotional hangovers are inevitable

Although we would like to have control over everything around us, it is impossible. Things happen unexpectedly. It could be being fired, the death of a family member, an unplanned pregnancy, a serious diagnosis or a financial crisis…

All this will produce very intense emotions that can develop into different stages . Some of these are: depression, anxiety and even panic attacks.

Girls in cars drink and smoke

These unexpected and extremely intense emotions will cause great hangovers. Most of the time, we are actually not aware of it. But somehow it affects our thoughts, focus and memory.

The traces of emotional hangovers will be in our bodies and our mood. They are an example of how everything we experience has consequences far beyond when it first happens.

Emotional hangovers end up just like regular hangovers. But we can do the opposite by minimizing them. We just nurture them if we continually expose ourselves to situations that knock us out emotionally. We can nourish them if we refuse to leave our zone of inertia. Sacrifice is a great example of permanent emotional hangovers.

How can we minimize the impact of emotional hangovers?

Why can emotional hangovers last? When we have a hangover, we feel uncomfortable. And when we feel bad, everything around us becomes dark and negative. So it’s like when we’re depressed, and then all of a sudden we stop looking at colors and switch to black and white.

As we have seen , emotional hangovers can make us feel sad, depressed, or anxious. This will flow into our perception of reality. It is important to be aware of how an intense experience can affect us and create discomfort.

Woman with roses in front of eyes as symbol of emotional hangover

These emotional hangovers can last anywhere from a few hours to a day or more. It all depends on the person. It depends on their ability to confront it. And also their willingness to move forward through the whirlwind they are in.

Therefore, it is very important for us to learn to remain calm when we are on the edge of the abyss. Avoid making important decisions during a hangover if you do not want to regret it later. If you do, your work may be affected or you may miss out on a great opportunity.

Being aware of our emotional hangovers will be of great importance. That way, we can postpone making life-changing decisions.

Emotional hangovers affect our perception of reality as much as they affect our reactions.

Leaves in shades of red from light to dark

Eventually, we will establish that emotional hangovers are something we all experience at some point. They are increasingly happening with the increasing pace of daily life. But we can follow their paths. We can observe how the situations that cause the intense emotions affect our decisions and experiences later.

Breathing and giving ourselves time will help us make a connection to the outside world and connect with ourselves. These things will all help us get over these hangovers that can be so painful.

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