It Does Not Matter What Others Think

It does not matter what others think

Maybe there have been times when you have stopped doing what you wanted out of fear of what others would think of you. You feel that you should do what they want you to do to meet their expectations; on the contrary, you will lose the recognition from those around you if you do not remain true to yourself. It’s time to start working on yourself to improve your confidence and freely achieve what you want.

“The image you have of me will not change who I am. However, it will change my view of you … ”

Dr. House

Think of yourself and for yourself

Think about yourself, what you really like, and what interests you.  You should be able to live your life independently. You should do what you want without being influenced by what others think of you. Your life belongs to you, as well as your actions. You need to start thinking about yourself, what you want and then do it.

You will often be scared because you may have always been in a comfort zone. Leave that zone, move yourself to new places, explore all your potential, it is possible.

People who inspire

The first thing you should do is meet people who have the same ambitions as you. It is necessary for you that your circle of friends grows. Get to know new environments and places.  Be for yourself if your friends do not understand this; you will soon meet new people, people who have the same interests as you. It is very important that you find these connections. When you surround yourself with people who think like you, you will find that you are not being judged.  Then you will start doing what you actually want.

It is not necessary to change your circle of friends. Your new friends will integrate into your life and you will keep your “normal” friends who truly love you. Those who are always willing to see the negative and question what you are doing, they will distance themselves. Behave according to your personality and your new environment will follow and encourage you.

Only those who support you and believe in you should stay in your life. Maybe there will be some moments where you feel alone or with few friends. Do not worry, little by little you will adapt. They will be fewer in number, but they will be worth millions.

Talk about your plans

To overcome your fear of lack of recognition, start talking about your projects or share your desires and dreams with a handful of friends.  When you talk to them, you will be able to organize your ideas and projects. You will feel confident and you will be able to go off new paths without fear.

There it will be simpler. When you are on the right path, confident in what you are doing, and fighting for your dreams, what others think will no longer affect you. You will be able to tell everyone what you are working on and trying to achieve. When they see that you are so confident that you feel confident, no one will say anything negative or refrain from acknowledging you. These things disappear when you are indecisive, when you start showing fear or insecurity. But since you have already found your way, nothing others say will affect you.

Prepare yourself for the problems you will face

Everything in your path will most likely not be a dance on roses. You will always find stones on the road. You need to be confident in yourself and find the strength you need to move forward.  Often, those around you will not understand what you are doing, even if you explain it to them, then ignore them. If it’s necessary to find a new circle of friends again then do it, but do not stop, do not let them get you down. You are more intelligent and you can definitely find the way.

What should be most important to you is you. The one who should make you happy is you. Think for a long time about what your goal is and draw the path so you know all the steps you need to take to achieve your dream.  No one should stop you from achieving that.

Who should you listen to? Yourself. You have already managed to find people who like you. But in the end, you are the only person you should listen to. Find yourself, feel your self-confidence, believe that you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

One of the hardest things in life is giving yourself your true worth, finding your place in the world. You are the only one who can decide who shares your life with you, so choose the people who are good to you.

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