It’s Good To Get Bored Once In A While

It's good to be bored once in a while

We are generally afraid of getting bored. And in fact, chronic boredom can be dangerous. It can lead to harmful behaviors, such as eating at strange times or more than you should (with all that that entails). At the same time, chronic boredom increases the risk of mental problems, such as anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. But it can also be good to get bored once in a while, as it can have some very interesting benefits that are worth knowing about.

We cannot proceed without asking several questions. Why are we afraid of getting bored? What does it mean to be bored? Why do we need to be busy all the time? Are we afraid of wasting our lives or are we afraid of being alone with ourselves?

It’s a healthy habit and good to be bored sometimes

Boredom is also associated with frustration. In fact,  when we talk about getting bored, we’re really talking about the frustrating experience of wanting to do something fun when we do not have the opportunity.  Therefore, boredom is really a sign that the person is unable to adapt to their surroundings in such a way that they can come up with an activity that will entertain them. Whether it is internal factors (such as thoughts and feelings) or external factors (such as the environment). No matter what the cause, it is important to learn to tolerate the feeling of frustration. You need to learn how to deal with boredom.

As you will see later, it is actually healthy and good to get bored once in a while. For boredom evokes and promotes good character traits. It is not without reason that many intelligent and productive people throughout history have praised the benefits of being bored.

Woman getting bored at a computer

Boredom promotes creativity

It can feel uncomfortable to be bored, and seem like one should avoid it at all costs. But research  shows that it can promote your mental activity. For example, a study by researchers at The British Psychological Society has found that passive activities – that is, activities that could be considered “boring” – can actually increase your creativity.

The study intended to deny the popular belief that being bored at work is a negative experience. In fact, many companies consider the boredom of employees as an obstacle to the company’s efficiency, innovation and organization.

But this study managed to prove that it is good to get bored once in a while. As long as it is temporary and does not happen constantly. It’s one thing that can really foster the innovation that companies are looking for. The reason for this is that boredom can provoke daydreams. It lets you come up with new and inventive thoughts.

On the other hand, other studies show that boredom promotes our search for new goals and endeavors, since our current employment no longer interests us. So if you are uninterested in your work, it may also be a sign that it is just not the right job for you. Otherwise, it can also mean that you are not being challenged enough in your current role. In this way, boredom can be the push that makes you improve on an unsatisfactory situation.

Boredom promotes creativity in children

Incidentally, it is also good for children to get bored. Boredom increases children’s creativity, according to several studies that have emerged recently. A study by a group of researchers at The University of East Anglia in the UK criticizes the idea that it is good for society’s intellectual and social development that we constantly keep the mind busy.

According to similar studies, it is not a bad thing but good to be bored. It can actually encourage creativity in children.  It puts them in a situation where they have to ask and answer the difficult question – what should I do now?  Therefore, contrary to what most people think, it is actually good to let children get bored sometimes. It will teach them to live with their “everyday frustration” by encouraging them to come up with good solutions to get rid of it.

Boy plays pilot in a box that shows it's good to be bored

It is good to be bored as it encourages prosocial behavior

If that wasn’t enough, another study by researchers at  The University of Limerick in Ireland found another interesting benefit of getting bored. According to these researchers, it is far from an obstacle to mental activity and does not lead to a lack of productivity. D one, bored, can inspire people to find new ways they can be more altruistic and empathetic. It also encourages them to dedicate themselves to prosocial behavior. It can include even unpleasant tasks, such as donating blood.

According to the researchers, people who are bored feel that their actions are meaningless. This is why they like to be a part of more meaningful activities or behaviors. They believe that if altruistic, helpful actions meet this one requirement – that they are significant – then boredom encourages prosocial behavior.

While it may seem a little strange, the researchers explain that boredom, paradoxically, can be a very strong motivating factor in finding meaningful but unpleasant tasks to perform. So, through a set of seven different studies, the researchers found that boredom creates altruistic motivational factors, leading to positive, prosocial behavior. And the person often continues to engage in that behavior for a long time, even after the boredom has disappeared.

Give your mind a break, give their mind a break

Having a packed calendar and a well-organized day is great for your productivity and efficiency. How to make the most of your time so you get the most out of your day. But once in a while it is necessary to take a break. Relaxation is vital for both body and mind.

While it can be fun to organize activities for every moment of your free time, it’s actually a good idea to let some of your free time be just that – free. You will also need to let the people around you have their free time in peace. Your partner, children and friends should also have some time in their lives without plans. Do not fear the feeling of boredom.

Do not focus on filling in every single second of your or your children’s time. Stop filling their time with constant entertainment. Avoid putting pressure on your partner when you see that they are not productive for a moment. Behind the wall of not knowing what to do, there is not an empty, black hole. It’s good to be bored, for  k edsomhed actually leads to a world of possibilities.  These new ideas and alternatives for your daily life will show you new and even better things you can spend your time on.

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