Learn To Go And Come Back With More Strength

Learn to leave and come back with more strength

When faced with a difficult situation, it takes a lot of courage to withdraw at the right time. To reflect on it, think about what has happened, understand what you are feeling  and return once again when you have regained your strength. 

Choosing the right moment to withdraw from a relationship, from an argument with another person, or from an unsatisfactory job requires willpower. That one can deal with the fear of the consequences. Sometimes we experience situations that exhaust us. Then we are not able to leave them in order to regain our strength. 

The pursuit of happiness

In some circumstances, it is necessary to think about one’s own personal happiness and find inner peace to regain strength. In these situations , it is essential to be consistent in what one thinks, feels, says and does. 

The concept of happiness sounds quite utopian, and we have it to refer to it in the past tense. For example: “In the summer of 2000, I was happy.” Researchers in positive psychology agree that the definition of the concept of happiness is based on three components:

  • Frequent experiences of positive affect: (joy, pleasure, love, care)
  • Rare experiences of negative affect: (sadness, stress, anxiety, fear, pain)
  • A high level of satisfaction in life

So  a happy person is one who experiences many positive emotions, few negative emotions and is happy with their life. But do not forget that there is no objective happiness. Rather, there is a subjective state of happiness in all of us.

The pursuit of this subjective state of happiness is what  causes us to distance ourselves from situations that make us uncomfortable or unhappy. We will return when we have regained the strength we need.

Emotional intelligence and its role in regaining strength

Human happiness is directly related to certain emotions and moods. This is where emotional intelligence comes into play, as it is the ability to understand one’s own feelings and those of others.

In terms of emotions, there are specialists who believe that one can control them completely, while others believe that one can do nothing to control them. But there are also studies that show that the way you interpret your emotions can change the way you experience them. 

For example, if you are afraid to speak in public, then that fear is considered negative. But if you interpret it as the desire to do well, then you are more likely to experience success. One just needs to understand how one feels and handles those emotions for one’s own benefit.

For this reason  , one should not see being alone as something negative. But closer as a partner in the process of gaining self-insight. You will need this quite a few times in your life. Sometimes you need to regain your strength and energy to be able to get back to your point of view. Peace and time alone can help.

How to deal with your emotions and regain your strength

The use of emotional intelligence involves identifying one’s emotions and mood types. For example, you must be able to recognize when you are angry, nervous or sad. Then one can find the root of the feeling. Further down, we will give you some tools to deal with your negative emotions.

Think about your strengths, not your weaknesses

If you just stop and think about everything you tell yourself when something negative happens, then you will realize something. It is you who nurtures this feeling and little by little it makes it grow bigger. If it was easy to deal with to begin with, then it might become a bigger challenge when it gets “polluted.”

If you make a mistake at work, then you do not have to torture yourself. Just learn from it so you do not get discouraged. Remember all the times you have done well. In this way, one can deal with one’s negative emotions and return  to one’s inner peace. 

Divert your attention

You can make a small child stop crying if you distract him with a toy. In the same way, one can  concentrate on another thing if one is invaded by a negative emotion. Then the attention is diverted and one returns to a sense of inner peace. Attention control plays a direct role in stopping the negative, emotional spiral that nourishes itself.

Try to meditate

Various scientific studies have shown that meditation helps prevent negative thoughts and feelings. Meditation can help deal with fear and reduce anxiety as it affects breathing and concentration. 

Find a quiet place, breathe slowly and feel the air come gently in and out of your lungs. Then your mind and muscles will start to relax. Meditate every day, because then you will eventually achieve good results. 

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