Maybe You Suffer From A Hidden Depression?

Do you suffer from a hidden depression?

Hidden depression is not something that is talked about that much. This is worrying when we consider that the number of cases of depression has increased much more than the number of most other disorders in the world. But the symptoms often go unnoticed, even for the person suffering from them.

There may be many in the world who really need help but have not yet realized it. The problem is  that mental or emotional disorders tend to become more complex and acute if not treated in a timely manner. And besides that, a lot of side effects are created in the person’s social and physical health.

It is important that you do not overlook the feeling of lack of acceptance or disappointment when it emerges.  Do not consider these feelings to be hostile. They could be a warning sign that you have an underlying problem. You should also not ignore the following signs, which are typical symptoms of a hidden depression.

The desire to stay in the routine is a sign of hidden depression

People tend to create routines that make their lives easier. And especially to make tasks that are routine in nature simpler. If every day was completely different from the previous one, then we would have to spend way too much mental energy constantly adapting. Routines are positive for the simple actions that do not require a new approach. It is also very normal that we should look for stability in the most important aspects of our lives.

Person with cobwebs suffers from latent depression

Our routines become problematic when they create boredom or when everything comes to a standstill.  There may be a hidden depression when the routines of our lives do not create well-being. And likewise when any change creates resistance or annoys you. It is a problem if your attitude is to let time go by due to  lack of interest or lack of confidence in the changes around us.

To lie often

The people who often lie about simple things in their lives may have a hidden depression. When asked how they are doing, they may say that they are fine. Although that may be far from the truth. If others comment that they seem “dull,” then they are just saying they are tired. They avoid talking about how they really feel. And they sometimes invent stories about what they do in their spare time.

It is very common for them to come up with an excuse when plans are made for them. They fear social gatherings. And even when their routine is boring, they are actually scared to do something they are not used to. They do not want others to know how they really feel. They deliberately hide it. For they know deep down that something is wrong and they want to keep it hidden.

Feeling uncomfortable around other people

People with latent depression are often lonely. Systematic isolation without any real purpose is an infallible sign that there is something wrong with our emotions. In this case, it does not mean that they are shy or introverted, but that they feel annoyed at having someone by their side.

Woman in blue and red suffers from hidden depression

Most of the conversations they have seem superficial or artificial. As if they were programmed and planned, more than natural. They only talk about general things that do not involve them personally. If someone wants to know something about their life, and it’s not just out of politeness, but because they want a trusting relationship, then the person avoids the conversation. They show clear signals that they do not want to get close to anyone. They can be smiling and friendly. But they always set up a barrier when others try to know them better.

Excessive consumption of stimulants

Another symptom that should warn us of a hidden depression is the intake of certain stimulants. Those who suffer from this problem without realizing it are trying to compensate for their feeling of emptiness and lack of interest by using chemical and biological stimuli that give them just a little well-being.

They often consume alcohol, sugary foods or a lot of caffeine. These three substances provide a stimulation that is perceived as necessary. What reveals that it is not just a completely normal intake of these things is the frequency and quantity with which these substances are ingested.

Desperate woman suffers from latent depression

Other symptoms of latent depression are often included. These include  difficulty sleeping, altered eating habits, a feeling of abandonment and emptiness,  lack of interest in most activities and stomach problems.

If you know someone who exhibits some or many of these symptoms, then you should keep an eye on them. Respect their privacy, but be caring and willing to listen to and support them. If you suspect yourself of suffering from latent depression, then you need to take it very seriously. Sometimes a little therapy is enough to get rid of the discomfort that prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest.

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