Some Conditions Are Like Unsalted Eggs

Some conditions are like unsalted eggs

Some conditions are like an unsalted egg: tasteless, indifferent, rooted in a monotonous situation in which one drowns in the long run. This is a reality that afflicts many couples. Although they may have already started to look at it as something normal. Something that will go over.

However, you can do something about it if you really want to. One can rediscover the spring where one’s love sprouted and move away from the fall that seems to get closer and closer to winter. Devotion does not age as we do. If this happens, it’s because you allow it. Perhaps one has grown tired of maintaining and cultivating love.

We make the mistake of locking the caresses, our hugs and the loving words into a safe that is now in the past. Before, it was important to show the other person that you loved the things you felt. When did one stop repeating it and fall into the comforting embrace of assumptions?

Tasteless, aging love

We have heard several times that love runs dry, that it dies, that it changes with time. We blame the passage of time for getting better at ourselves and for not taking responsibility for making things less good.

It is not only that we give up on ourselves, but that we neglect what we fought for with so much effort and passion many years ago. Now that we have it, should we stop making an effort? First it was one, then the other. In the end, we are two people who let love fade into just a memory. 

This is the point where the assumptions emerge, which is important in many of our personal relationships. But they have the greatest effect in romantic relationships. It is better to keep repeating, to get tired of always saying the same thing than to take things for granted.

Why should I tell my husband that I love him if he already knows ?” ” I do not need to give her a kiss, she already knows I love her .” ” We are too old to kiss public t.” I’m sure some of these thoughts sound familiar to you. Many couples think the same things.

But in the past, it was fine for one to say ” I love you ” infinitely many times to the love of one’s life. They were always given a kiss when they walked out the door to go to work. One did not consider the situation to be able to hold their hand or give them an unexpected hug. It just came out of the blue. You wanted to feel close to your partner. You wanted to show them again and again what you felt.

We let love die

The flame does not just go out. We exhale it ourselves.  We can continue to blow to it and escape the situation we are stuck in. All because we are too lazy to say anything to our partner that we once insisted on saying all the time. You feel tired of making an effort for something you have already achieved.

Many people give everything they have at the beginning of a relationship. They’re like an inflated balloon. But when they have already got what they want, they gradually shut the air out until there is nothing left of everything they have done. So you are still wondering why you are not as intimate as before? Why has everything changed?

Conditions succumb due to our poor attitude.  We stop thinking about the other person and focus on ourselves. We justify our inability to continue to give everything by saying ” they already know .”

To nurture the relationship

The relationship does not fit itself, it is not self-driving. It must be nurtured all the time. Day after day with greater care after spending more and more years together, as there are also several circumstances that threaten to wear it down. One looks enviously at all the old couples who go hand in hand, who respect each other, who do not hide their love in public. And one asks oneself… H how do they do it? By taking care of and being aware of the feeling that is so honest, in demand and hoped for.

It is a mutual feeling that does not care about repetition or rational thinking. The second one begins to assume, think and believe, love becomes weaker. It should be free to feel and experience it in its entirety. It’s never boring, we make it boring. It never gets uninteresting, it’s us who get lethargic.

Relationships can last if the hands that take care of it are firm and willing to give everything today, tomorrow and forever. The years do not matter, all that matters is the setting.

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