Thanks For Everything Dad!

Thanks for everything Dad!

Sheep. What a beautiful word. It is those who wait nervously in the hospital who take the hand during the birth. And when they hear their child’s first cry , they are filled with strength and vulnerability at the same time. Society made them the great absentees: the men were the ones who worked, the women took care of the home and the children.

He was the one responsible for both the penalty and the prizes. Many generations have grown up this way. Strict fathers, aware of their responsibilities, monitored their children from a distance . History narrators, inventors of stories, protectors and dreamers.

They rarely got gratitude for their efforts because everything they did was expected of them. And they were not very good at expressing emotions anyway l. They wanted to say so much but kept the words to themselves. Fearing it was not their place to do it. But for most children, fatherhood has been their first hero. The first one they really admired. And the last one they would stop admiring when they entered their adulthood, realizing how much effort he had made to keep them safe.

A father is priceless

A father is simply priceless. Often silent, other times silenced. And so, using the illustrations by artist Snezhana Snoosh, we want to pay tribute to all the fathers of the world who truly deserve that title . This is an artist who knows perfectly the union between fathers and their children. And since it’s so hard to describe in words, she’s chosen to do it with pictures. She has created a series of watercolors that reflect the moments and emotions she shared with her father.

A father is always there to chase the nightmares away. As a great storyteller, he can turn the bad dreams around and turn that monster into a dark, harmless shadow. His strength and courage are a wonderful example of how to face every single threat. And when they threaten to overcome their children , he is there with his arms open to comfort them.

A father braiding his daughter's hair

He does not know everything

Putting hair is not his thing. They are a disaster when it comes to making rat tails, and experts in making mess in any hairstyle. And yet they are their child’s greatest admirers. Those who see in their children a strength that can conquer the world. Sometimes they feel so sad and helpless that their children cannot see that strength. And they will love to lend them their very own eyes so they can see it. They are the ones who are simply amazed by the little angel in front of them.

A daughter sits on her father's shoulders

A father is the one on whose shoulders the world seems like a more wonderful and fun place to be. On his shoulders, Santa seems even closer, and their gait is in step with the world itself. The truth is told, they are the ones who have as much fun as the kids when they can and they love to show their kids the world from their shoulders.

A father gets a gift from his daughter at his busy desk

He may have the busiest schedule of all, but what he would most like to do is play with his kids. It can only be a few times a day that he can afford that luxury, but when he does, he lives it to the fullest. At these times, he can be himself with total freedom and be as crazy as he wants, just so he can see the happiness on his child’s face. The happiness that fills him with more than hundreds upon hundreds of accomplishments in the workplace could ever do.

He is the best playmate a child could ever imagine because no one could ever give them as much attention as he does. He is able to create a whole new reality for his child from the passion that fills his heart

Father makes puppet show for his daughter

A father is a gift

He may be as stiff as an old oak tree or have as much coordination as a dizzy duck , but when he is with his children, he is ready for anything. As soon as he enters the playroom, he leaves his senses at the door.

A good father is a gift that you will never be able to stop thanking for. A good father is one who gives everything, and the only thing he asks for in return is that we enjoy life and that we face life with everything we have within us. His efforts, so often from a distance, a distance far greater than we all want, are so often not really recognized until the years go by, and suddenly we have grown up.

They are not perfect, they are only flesh and blood.  Most of them are quite stubborn and it is not easy to change their mind. Deep down, whether we follow their advice or not, they will never want us to fail. Unlike many people, they are not the first to say “What did I say”. On the contrary, they are the first to pick us up, simply because they can see in us what no one else can.

They may not often tell us that they are proud of o s, in fact we are often the last ones they will tell it to. However, this obstacle never prevents them from being proud of every step we take and from enjoying our successes that no one else could ever do.

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