That’s Why Cynicism Used To Be A Good Thing

Therefore, cynicism used to be a good thing

Diogenes of Sinope is the father of cynicism. He lived in ancient Greece during the 4th century BCE The ancient followers of this cynicism were very different from modern cynics. Their cynicism was pure criticism. They disagreed with much of the hypocrisy of society and wanted to live in a far more authentic way.

The word “cynical” comes from the Greek word “kinus”, which means “dog”. Because of this, people at the time viewed cynicism as something negative and compared it to the life of a dog. Diogenes himself lived like a dog in absolute poverty. Yet his philosophical teaching had a validity, which made him one of the most prominent thinkers of his time.

Today, cynicism has taken on a completely different meaning. Modern cynics do not believe in values, and they brag about it too. They do not criticize society in order to improve it, but to condemn it. They do not make any valid contribution. We also use the word cynic about those who openly exploit others and are even proud of it.

Diogenes from Sinope and primitive cynicism

The diogenes are credited with wonderful things, full of moral greatness. He did not even have a house, he lived in a barrel. He looked like a beggar because of the lasers he wore. Yet he was one of the most insightful men of his time. Plato called him “ an insane Socrates.

Diogenes is an example of cynicism

It is said that Alexander the Great was interested in getting to know him. He went out to find him and introduced himself with: ” I am Alexander the Great .” To which the cynic replied, “ And I am Diogenes, the dog. After a short conversation Alexander said to him:” Ask me anything you want . ” Diogenes replied, ” Move, you are blocking the sun .”

According to another anecdote, Diogenes was in the square one day eating vegetables that others had thrown in the trash. Another philosopher walked past him and said, ” If you worked for a nobleman like me, you would not have to eat vegetables. ” Diogenes replied, ” If you ate vegetables like me, you would not have to work for the nobles. ” These anecdotes give us an idea of ​​the thinker he was.

Modern cynicism

Power and money have always been a source of corruption, no matter the place or the time. But with the spread of capitalism and the fall of the great utopias, it has now reached its greatest height. Money and power have motivated the most despicable behavior that has existed in our society.

Man as ATM symbolizes cynicism

We could say that the father of modern cynicism is Machiavelli, the great philosopher of power. He is credited with the famous phrase: ” The goal sanctifies the means .” After him came a number of philosophers who exalted individualism. According to them, people should pursue selfishness at all costs. Any action that benefits you is completely valid, whatever it may be.

Throughout history, men of great political or economic power have always tended to be cynics, in the modern sense of the word. As leaders who have governed a society, they have been role models for many. A lot of people consider this to be completely correct. And to a greater extent after the fall of the great ideologies and utopias. The power of money was defeated, and that is why “the goal sanctifies the means” has become such a relevant proverb.

Cynicism in relationships

From the top rung of power, cynicism has grown and infiltrated our daily relationships. We can especially see it when a kind of power play is played out. An example of this could be the relationship between employer and employee. We can also see it in the relationship between men and women and in the relationship between parents and adult children.

While there is a strong movement against cynicism, it continues to hold an important position in our current society. However, it is often expressed in a very subtle way. Like when an employer, a man or an adult in the aforementioned relationships imposes other rules simply on a whim. So when the employee, the woman or the child protests, they answer: “ If you do not like it, you can just slip away!

Cynical behavior is perverted behavior. When it comes to our human relationships, it makes them very unhealthy. In the short, medium or long term, there are also negative consequences for those who give in to this type of behavior. False feelings promote hidden sins and stimulate hypocrisy. Even if they give an instant selfish satisfaction, one loses far more than one gains from it.

Pictures of Kylli Sparre

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