The Fear Of Taking The First Step

Taking the first step means moving towards a different place. A new place where things may not go as planned or expected. Taking the first step means exposing oneself to the risk of defeat and rejection.
The fear of taking the first step

The fear of taking the first step is the primary thing that sabotages your dreams, both big and small. It is precisely in this first step that most people get stuck because fear has taken hold of them. If you continue, however, your fears will be magically dissolved.

As soon as you reach the road, you will, most likely, end up realizing that you are much more capable than you thought you were when you started.

When you allow fear to take over and decide over your actions, then you will expose the challenges that really matter to you. The fear of taking the first step takes precedence, and you may end up spending more time imagining the possible risks than gathering enough courage to go for what you really want.

Yes, it is natural for people to be anxious in the face of the unknown or challenging. It makes you restless and awakens the insecurities you carry inside when you step out of your comfort zone.

Hence, the fear arises of taking the first step, for it means that you step out of your comfort zone and expose yourself to insecurity. If you do not, however, it is likely that you will never achieve your dreams and goals. How do you overcome the fear that invades you and keeps you from stepping out of your comfort zone and taking the first step?

The first to overcome the fear of taking the first step

It is quite common to hear that one can overcome his fear by looking it in the eye. But, however common it may be, there is certainly no other way. You have to confront your fear knowing that it will not seem so great when you are on the go.

Moreover, confrontation means that you identify your fears. That is, to be specific about what you are afraid of. Then you can begin the process of taking responsibility for them.

You need to identify what it is you are protecting yourself from  or what you are trying to avoid. You need to know if you are afraid of failing if you are unable to overcome the challenges that come your way, or if you are afraid of certain past experiences.

In that regard, write it all down, explain it to yourself, and do not let it affect you below your level of consciousness. By acknowledging the presence of your fears, you will thus be in a better position to deal with them.

To overcome your fear of taking the first step, the first thing you need to do is put into words what you fear. You have to do it, no matter how absurd it may sound. Honor and acknowledge your fear, and confront it to define it. Next, it will most likely begin to lose strength.

The effects of inaction

Woman walking barefoot in a forest

Think about what will happen if you succumb to the fear of taking the first step. If you have set a goal for yourself, it is because it represents a need or desire you have. Imagine what would happen if you froze and failed to act on it.

At this point , pay attention to the negative things you are saying to yourself. You need to pay attention to the inner voice that tells you how it is safer to stay on the path you are familiar with than the path you are going to explore.

You need to pay attention to all the silly, discouraging affirmations you tell yourself and try to overcome them.

Be aware that the insecurity you feel is normal. In fact, it is quite positive. It is good to be careful and protect yourself. It is definitely a force that will help you to be more careful and better measure the consequences of your actions.

Now, pushed and puffed

Painting of woman in a forest

It is common that your first strategy will be to postpone or avoid what you are afraid of when you are confronted with the fear of taking the first step. You will wait until next week, after the next exams or until the new year. The reality is that it is a trap.

Your fear will not go away by exposing or avoiding it. Instead, they just want to get bigger. It is better that you dedicate yourself to overcoming them.

In the meantime , seek support from the people you trust. Surround yourself with strong people who will help you gather strength instead of making you feel more insecure.

In general, those who dare to take the first step and move forward are those who are making progress. Conversely, those people who are stuck in their comfortable lives and seek no transcendence are usually the ones who try to make you sit back and give in to fear.

After all, you just need a little push. Maybe you will need to push yourself. Stop thinking and start acting. The day you overcome the paralyzing fear of taking the first step, everything will get easier. But of course you will not find out this until you have taken the first step.

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